Division of Education and Sociology (APS)

Work life brings both challenges and personal satisfaction to people. At the Division of Education and Sociology we educate tomorrow’s HR consultants and students who will be able to take on future challenges of work life, through their deep knowledge in Pedagogy and Sociology. Research in the division contributes to knowledge about conditions and prerequisites for a sustainable work life, which include areas such as learning, innovation, leadership, gender equality, working conditions and health.

Research group


a man in a suit walks in the forest.

GROWL: Greening of Working Life

To meet climate goals, the world of work must undergo a transformation. The GROWL research group focuses on the people, organizations, and policies involved in the green transition of working life.

Hybrid meeting.

Leadership in hybrid work

An increasingly large part of the work in the future will likely take place remotely with the support of digital tools. The project studies the challenges hybrid work creates for leadership concerning employee well-being and work performance.

Robots and humans working together in a warehouse.

Nordic research group: Robots and AI in Working Life

The Nordic research group “Robots and AI in Working life” (RAiW) aims to strengthen and develop sociological research within the areas of robotization and ai-fication in working life and advance the state of knowledge.



Andreas Fejes, Per Andersson, Johanna Köpsén, Mattias Nylund (2025) Adult education and teachers' work under a market code Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, p. 1-15 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Maria Gustavsson, Ann-Charlotte Bivall (2025) The challenges clinical supervisors experience when supervising students in the workplace Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, Vol. 15, p. 127-138 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Cecilia Enberg, Anders Jidesjö, Ola Leifler, Donatella Puglisi (2025) Case Study Three: Challenge-Based Learning for Sustainability Education A Practical Guide to Understanding and Implementing Challenge-Based Learning, p. 131-139 (Chapter in book)
Ann-Charlotte Münger, Laura Korhonen (2025) Elever som utsätts för våld Medicinsk elevhälsa för rektorer, lärare och elevhälsoteam, p. 231-243 (Chapter in book)


Anna-Carin Fagerlind Ståhl, Christian Ståhl (2024) Normbrytarnas roll i framtidens historia Arbetets och försörjningens utmarker, p. 233-250 (Chapter in book)
Viktor Vesterberg (2024) Book Review: Transforming subjectivities. Studies in human malleability in contemporary times in SOCIOLOGISK FORSKNING, vol 61, issue 3-4, pp 426-429 Sociologisk forskning, Vol. 61, p. 426-429 (Article, book review) Continue to DOI
Christian Ståhl (2024) Resonance and reflexivity as pathways to eudaimonia in the Anthropocene? European Journal of Social Theory (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Johanna Finnholm, Andreas Wallo, Karin Allard, Stefan Tengblad (2024) Reconceptualizing HR change agency: introducing a framework and propositions for future research Personnel review (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Diana Holmqvist, Filippa Millenberg (2024) Carving space to learn for sustainable futures: A theory- informed adult education approach to teaching European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, Vol. 15, p. 299-315 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Per Andersson, Song-ee Ahn, Johanna Köpsén (2024) Editorial: Spring 2024 Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 14, p. iii-v (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Andreas Ruschkowski, Johanna Köpsén, Andreas Fejes (2024) The formulation of the policy of education based on a scientific foundation and proven experience at folk high schools in Sweden (1974-2024)
Hanna Fernemark, Nadine Karlsson, Janna Skagerström, Ida Seing, Elin Karlsson, Emma Brulin, Per Nilsen (2024) Psychosocial work environment in Swedish primary healthcare: a cross-sectional survey of physicians' job satisfaction, turnover intention, social support, leadership climate and change fatigue Human Resources for Health, Vol. 22, Article 70 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Elin Karlsson, Nadine Karlsson, Hanna Fernemark, Ida Seing, Janna Skagerström, Emma Brulin, Per Nilsen (2024) A Cross-Sectional Survey of Swedish Primary Healthcare Nurses' Discontent With Their Current Job Journal of Nursing Management, Vol. 2024, Article 2786600 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
David Redmalm, Clara Iversen, Marcus Persson (2024) Can robots lie?: A posthumanist approach to robotic animals and deceptive practices in dementia care Journal of Aging Studies, Vol. 71, Article 101272 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Marcus Persson, Andreas Wallo (2024) Digital automation and working life of HR practitioners: a gender analysis of the implications for workforce and work practices Gender, Technology and Development (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Hanna Fernemark, Maria Hardstedt, Janna Skagerström, Ida Seing, Elin Karlsson, Per Nilsen, Kristina Gorel Ingegerd Schildmeijer (2024) Primary healthcare in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study in Sweden BMJ Open, Vol. 14 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Diana Holmqvist, Kathryn Telling (2024) Pragmatic sociology and the economics of convention: Introducing a 'novel' approach to English-speaking education research European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 23, p. 601-608 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Christian Ståhl (2024) Dark resonance: On the possibility of resonance with death Acta Sociologica (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Marcus Persson (2024) Robotdjur och människor: Om serendipitet, Illusionen av robotars autonomi och behovet av vårdpersonalens kompetens Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, Vol. 101, p. 166-176 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Maria Gustavsson, Oliviu Matei, Laura Andreica, Agneta Halvarsson Lundkvist, Daniel Persson-Thunqvist (2024) Design of a Collaborative Network for Mapping Digital Skills for Industry 5.0 Navigating Unpredictability: Collaborative Networks in Non-linear Worlds, p. 147-157 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


