Photo of Edwin Jager

Edwin Jager

Professor, Head of Division

Head of Division for Sensor and Actuator Systems.


Edwin Jager is Professor in Applied Physics. He received his M.Sc.Eng. degree (ir) in Applied Physics at University of Twente, The Netherlands in 1996, specializing in transduction science. In 2001, he received his PhD in Applied Physics at Linköping University, Sweden, and became Docent in 2014. During his PhD-studies, he developed biomedical applications of polypyrrole microactuators, such as a “cell clinic” and a microrobot.

This work was continued in the spin-off company Micromuscle AB, later acquired by Creganna Medical, of which he was a co-founder and where he worked as CTO from 2000 to 2007. Micromuscle commercialized and developed medical applications of the polypyrrole actuator technology in collaboration with large medical device companies.

Thereafter, he returned to academia as assistant professor in the Organic Electronics group at the Department of Science and Technology at the Norrköping campus. In the summer of 2011 he made a transition to the Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre to assist building up this newly established Centre, where he became associate professor in March 2012. He held a part-time visiting professor position at the University of Wollongong, Australia, 2012 to 2020, collaborating with Prof Gursel Alici and Prof Geoff Spinks at the School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering.  He became full professor in 2023.

In 2013, he received the Junior Faculty Prize for sustainable research environment. He won a prestegious Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowship for a research stay in Japan in 2015 and 2017. He was elected vice-president of the European Society of ElectroActive Polymers, EuroEAP, from 2012 to 2022 and was an active member of the society's  predecessor the European ESNAM network (European Scientific Network on Artificial Muscles). He leads the research on textile actuators of LiU’s participation in the EU project WEAFING, the national project funded by the Erling-Persson Foundation. collaborating with Assoc Prof Nils-Krister Persson at the Swedish School of Textiles, and coordinates the MSCA-DN SOFTWEAR.

His research interests include electroactive polymers, soft microactuators and microrobotics, bionics, electroactive surfaces and scaffolds, textile actuators; and polymer (micro-)actuators for cellular mechano-biology (mechanotransduction) and medical devices.


Two researcher mount lab equipment
Edwin Jager from Linköping University (right) and Nils-Krister Persson from the University of Borås (left) mounting a textile actuator into an instrument that measures force. Photographer: Thor Balkhed

Exoskeletons in national newspaper

Read about Edwin Jager and his research in Aftonbladet.


Researcher holds a piece of cloth infront of face.

Your clothes will soon be extra muscles

Textile muscles is a young research field. In the long run, the technology can be built into clothes that can give an extra boost during heavy lifting, give hugs at a distance and help the visually impaired navigate the urban environment.

Edwin Jager, IFM, along with his co-applicant Nils-Krister Persson at Swedish School of Textiles

Continued funding for textile muscles

Edwin Jager (IFM) along with his co-applicant Nils-Krister Persson (Swedish School of Textiles) recently received the exciting news of continued funding for their project "Textile muscles for augmenting garments" from the Erling-Perssons Foundation.

Doctoral network for “textile muscles” receives EU grant

Edwin Jager is the coordinator for a doctoral network that has been granted almost SEK 29 million from Horizon Europe. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the PhD students are learning how to develop material that can work as “textile muscles”.

My research


Course coordinator Introduction to Biosensors TFYA62, Microsystems and Nanobiology TFTB33

Lectures for the courses Biomedical Materials TFTB40, Biosensor Technology TFTB34, and Materials for medicine TFYA63

Supervisor group project CDIO course Biomedical Engineering TBMT41.

Supervisor group project CDIO course Engineering Project TFYY51.

Organiser of Training School 3 on “Microfabrication” for the MSCA-ITN “MICACT


Selected publications

Cover of publication 'Direct Mechanical Stimulation of Stem Cells: A Beating Electromechanically Active Scaffold for Cardiac Tissue Engineering'
Amy Gelmi, Artur Cieslar-Pobuda, Ebo de Muinck, Marek Jan Los, Mehrdad Rafat, Edwin Jager (2016)

Advanced Healthcare Materials , Vol.5 , s.1471-1480 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication 'Controlling the electro-mechanical performance of polypyrrole through 3- and 3,4-methyl substituted copolymers'
Daniel Melling, S. A. Wilson, Edwin Jager (2015)

RSC Advances , Vol.5 , s.84153-84163 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication 'Influence of conductive polymer doping on the viability of cardiac progenitor cells'
Amy Gelmi, Monika Kozak Ljunggren, Mehrdad Rafat, Edwin Jager (2014)

Journal of materials chemistry. B , Vol.2 , s.3860-3867 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication 'Patterning and electrical interfacing of individually controllable conducting polymer microactuators'
Edwin Jager, Nirul Masurkar, Nnamdi Felix Nworah, Babita Gaihre, Gursel Alici, Geoffrey M. Spinks (2013)

Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical , Vol.183 , s.283-289 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication 'Mechanical stimulation of epithelial cells using polypyrrole microactuators.'
Karl Svennersten, Magnus Berggren, Agneta Richter-Dahlfors, Edwin W H Jager (2011)

Lab on a Chip , Vol.11 , s.3287-3293 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication 'Microfabricating conjugated polymer actuators'
EWH Jager, E Smela, Olle Inganäs (2000)

Science , Vol.290 , s.1540-1545 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication 'Microrobots for Micrometer-Size Objects in Aqueous Media: Potential Tools for Single-Cell Manipulation'
Edwin Jager, Olle Inganäs, Ingemar Lundström (2000)

Science , Vol.288 , s.2335-2338 Continue to DOI

Publications in chronological order


Amaia Ortega Santos, Jose Gabriel Martinez Gil, Edwin Jager (2024) Synchronous Cation-Driven and Anion-Driven Polypyrrole-Based Yarns toward In-Air Linear Actuators Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 36, p. 9391-9405 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Claude Huniade, Jose Gabriel Martinez Gil, Shayan Mehraeen, Edwin Jager, Tariq Bashir, Nils-Krister Persson (2024) Textile Muscle Fibers Made by and for Continuous Production Using Doped Conducting Polymers Macromolecular materials and engineering (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Bin Ni, Fengdi Li, Gabriela Ananieva, Loris Gelas, Cedric Vancaeyzeele, Giao T. M. Nguyen, Edwin W. H. Jager, Frederic Vidal, Cedric Plesse (2024) Comparative study of the influence of the ionic coatings on the performances of air-operating coiled carbon nanotubes yarn actuators ELECTROACTIVE POLYMER ACTUATORS AND DEVICES, EAPAD XXVI, Article 129450E (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Mathis Bruns, Shayan Mehraeen, Jose Gabriel Martinez, Johannes Mersch, Iris Kruppke, Edwin W. H. Jager, Chokri Cherif (2024) A Straightforward Approach of Wet-Spinning Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Polystyrene Sulfate Fibers for Use in All Conducting Polymer-Based Textile Actuators ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sujan Dutta, Shayan Mehraeen, Jose Gabriel Martinez, Tariq Bashir, Nils-Krister Persson, Edwin Jager (2024) Textile Actuators Comprising Reduced Graphene Oxide as the Current Collector Macromolecular materials and engineering, Vol. 309, Article 2300318 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI