Bionics and Transduction Science

In the BTS unit we do research in the interface between biology, material science, transducers and microsystem technology.

graphic showing the three research areas

Starting from a perspective of application/user needs, we do applied and fundamental research in the areas of microphysiological devices (e.g. lab/organ on a chip), electroactive surfaces for cell biology, soft microactuators and soft microrobotics, and textile actuators and textile exoskeletons.

the image shows the group members outside on a sunny dayGroup members, Spring 2019

Research projects

Skills, collaborations, teaching and funding

Principal techniques and skills

  • Microfabrication and photolithography

  • Soft lithography (PDMS)

  • Conducting polymers: synthesis (chemical, electrochemical), patterning (etching, printing, …)

  • Electroactive polymers

  • Electrospinning

  • Cell interactions/interfacing

  • Bioelectronics

  • Medical devices

  • Electro-mechanical characterisation (various lasers)


Laser Scanner Micrometer


The unit has many local, national and international collaborations from small projects to large scal EU projects. Our main collaborators are:

  • LiU IKE, Prof. Jan-Ingvar Jönsson
  • University of Borås, Sweden, Dr. Nils-Krister Persson
  • Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, France, Prof. Frederic Vidal and Dr. Cedric Plesse
  • Universiteit Twente, Netherlands, Dr Angelika Mader
  • University of Wollongong, Australia, Prof Geoff Spinks and Prof. Gursel Alici
  • Okayama University, Japan, Prof. Hiroshi Kamioka and Dr. Emilio Hara


  • TFYA62 Introduction to biosensor technology
  • TFTB33 Microsystems and Nano-Biology
  • TFYY51 - CDIO Y, Med1
  • TBMT41 - CDIO Medical Technology (Y3 - BSc Project)
  • Lectures at TBTF40; TFTB34; TFYA63, TTMT19; MEA118/FA228


  • H2020-ICT-02
  • Fam.Erling Persson Foundation
  • Promobilia  2018-2019
  • VR 2015- 2018
  • EU-MSCA – ITN 2015-2018
  • Ollie & Elof Ericsson 2016, 2017
  • EU-MSCA-IF 2015-2016
  • Carl Trygger 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018



Shayan Mehraeen, Milad Asadi, Jose Gabriel Martinez, Nils-Krister Persson, Jonas Stålhand, Edwin Jager (2023) Yarn actuators powered by electroactive polymers for wearables
Ortega-Santos Amaia Beatriz, Jose Gabriel Martinez, Edwin Jager (2023) The effect of enzyme immobilization methods in polypyrrole-based soft actuators driven by glucose and O2
Carin Backe, Jose Gabriel Martinez, Li Guo, Nils-Krister Persson, Edwin Jager (2023) Serially connected EAP based tape yarns for in-air actuation using textile structures


More about our research

Researcher holds a piece of cloth infront of face.

Your clothes will soon be extra muscles

Textile muscles is a young research field. In the long run, the technology can be built into clothes that can give an extra boost during heavy lifting, give hugs at a distance and help the visually impaired navigate the urban environment.

Edwin Jager, IFM, along with his co-applicant Nils-Krister Persson at Swedish School of Textiles

Continued funding for textile muscles

Edwin Jager (IFM) along with his co-applicant Nils-Krister Persson (Swedish School of Textiles) recently received the exciting news of continued funding for their project "Textile muscles for augmenting garments" from the Erling-Perssons Foundation.

A female PhD student assembles the experimental setup.

Bone growth inspired “microrobots” that create their own bone

Inspired by the growth of bones, researchers have developed a combination of materials that can morph into various shapes. The material is initially soft, but later hardens through a process that uses the same materials found in the skeleton.

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