Photo of Emilia Åkesson

Emilia Åkesson

Associate Professor



Lars Wallner, Anja Rydén Gramner, Malin Wieslander, Henrik Lindqvist, Åsa Larsson, Emilia Åkesson, Katarina Eriksson Barajas (2024) Students' Constructions of Professional Judgement in Teacher Education, Medical Education and Police Education Högre Utbildning, Vol. 14, p. 49-63 Continue to DOI
Emilia Åkesson (2024) The longing to just be - a belonging body in teacher education European Journal of Teacher Education Continue to DOI


Emilia Åkesson (2023) Teacher Education Becoming Elsewhere: An Affirmative Critique of Student Experiences through Intersectional Corpomaterial Perspectives
Emilia Åkesson (2023) Becoming carving-bodies in teacher education - affective student experiences Gender and Education Continue to DOI


Emilia Åkesson, Edyta Just, Katarina Eriksson (Barajas) (2022) Closer to and further away - emergency-remote teacher education, orientations and student-bodies Högre Utbildning, Vol. 12, p. 66-78 Continue to DOI