
Fredrik Envall

Associate Professor

As a socially oriented environmental researcher, I study how environmental problems are understood and addressed in society. My research is situated at the intersection of environment, politics, and technology, with an interdisciplinary foundation.

Research at the Intersection of Environment, Politics, and Technology

Different ways of addressing environmental issues are closely linked to how they are understood. Building on this, I explore societal processes that unfold as environmental policy ambitions are translated into practice in various contexts.

As an interdisciplinary researcher, I draw inspiration from diverse social science perspectives on environmental issues, politics, and technology. My approach is often rooted in critical social science, including sociotechnical infrastructure studies, discourse analysis, and green democratic theory. I use various methods with a critical foundation, such as text analysis, interviews, action research, and ethnographic approaches.

I am particularly interested in the political and environmental implications of different technologies and governance arrangements. My research examines, for instance, the value conflicts that arise when climate transition moves from a vision of the future to actionable frameworks—made governable through everyday and expert practices across different places, institutions, and actors.

Empirically, I focus on infrastructures and technologies associated with the climate transition, encompassing technical systems like energy systems and governance practices within and beyond formal political processes. My studies span from policy processes to grassroots initiatives and climate deliberations.

I have examined experimentation as an environmental governance tool and led a project on the democratizing potential of energy communities. Currently, I am involved in several projects addressing democracy and justice in energy and climate transitions, including exploring climate populism and the tensions between rapidly transforming energy systems and ensuring democratic legitimacy.



Elinor Askmar, Jonathan Korsar, Fredrik Envall (2024) Hållbar energi tillsammans: Ett studiematerial om medborgardriven omställning och energigemenskaper
Fredrik Envall, Daniel Andersson (2024) Vägar till rättvis omställning: energigemenskaper i skärningspunkten mellan systemoptimering och demokratiskt deltagande
Fredrik Envall, Harald Rohracher (2024) Technopolitics of future-making: The ambiguous role of energy communities in shaping energy system change Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, Vol. 7, p. 765-787 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Fredrik Envall, Daniel Andersson, Harald Rohracher (2023) Att energigemenskapa: Energigemenskaper som arena för klimatomställningens praktiker och politik Sociologisk forskning, Vol. 60, p. 299-325 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Fredrik Envall (2023) Situated dynamics of environmental governance in Swedish smart energy experimentation: Tentativeness, demonstration, upscaling Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Vol. 41, p. 922-940 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Research project & networks


CV in short

  • 2021
    PhD in Technology and social change
  • 2015
    PhD student in Technology and Social Change, and the Energy Systems research school, Linköping University 
  • 2015
    Master’s degree (M. Sc) in political science, Linköping University 
  • 2012
    Bachelor’s degree (B. Sc) in environmental science, Linköping University 


  • I teach environmental science, urban and regional planning, and political science, mainly focusing on social processes related to environmental issues.

