
Grzegorz Greczynski

Professor, Head of Unit

Head of the Fundamental Science of Thin Films unit at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, LiU. Expert in high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)


My research interests are presently focused on low-energy ion/surface interactions (including both gas and metal ions) for nanostructure control during low-temperature growth of transition-metal-based nitride, boride, and carbide thin films by physical vapor deposition. In addition, I'm active in the field of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), with the aim to develop nondestructive analysis methods and to increase reliability of the technique.

I received my MSc degree in Materials Physics in 1997 from University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland as well as from Linköping University, Sweden.

In 2001 I obtained PhD in Materials Physics for the thesis “Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of Conjugated Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces for Organic-based Light Emitting Devices” under supervision of Prof. William R. Salaneck and the opponent was Prof. Hans Siegbahn.

Between 2001 and 2008 I worked in industry, first for Thin Film Electronics AB and later for Chemfilt Ionsputtering AB. The latter company pioneered the novel magnetron sputtering technique - high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS or HPPMS) which has become very popular in the recent years.

In 2009, I rejoined academia as an Assistant Professor of Thin Film Physics working with Professor Lars Hultman. My close collaborators are Professors Joe Greene and Ivan Petrov from University of Illinois (USA) and Professor Jochen Schneider from Aachen University (Germany).

In 2018 I was nominated Fellow of the American Vacuum Society for "seminal contributions to nondestructive XPS surface analysis, and the development of novel next-generation HiPIMS metal-ion deposition techniques".



Viktor Sroba, Tomas Roch, Martin Truchly, Leonid Satrapinskyy, Branislav Grancic, Katarina Viskupova, Peter Svec Jr, Peter Kus, Grzegorz Greczynski, Marian Mikula (2025) Nanostructure, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of understoichiometric ZrB2-x films deposited by high power impulse magnetron sputtering Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 498, Article 131860 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
K. Viskupova, V. Sroba, Jun Lu, D. Primetzhofer, B. Wicher, Vladyslav Rogoz, T. Roch, M. Truchly, M. Mikula, I. Petrov, Lars Hultman, Grzegorz Greczynski (2025) W-ion irradiation promotes dense TiBx film growth during magnetron sputtering without substrate heating Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 497, Article 131766 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Clara Linder, Mikhail Vagin, Robert Boyd, Grzegorz Greczynski, Daniel Lundin, Karin Torne, Per Eklund, Emma Björk (2025) Tailoring the Electrocatalytic Activity and Corrosion Resistance of CoCrFeNi and MnCrFeNi Thin Films by Anodization ADVANCED SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Bartosz Wicher, Vladyslav Rogoz, Jun Lu, Krzysztof Kulikowski, Artur Lachowski, Szilard Kolozsvari, Peter Polcik, Grzegorz Greczynski (2025) The crucial influence of Al on the high-temperature oxidation resistance of Ti1-xAlxBy diboride thin films (0.36 ≤ x ≤ 0.74, 1.83 ≤ y ≤ 2.03) Applied Surface Science, Vol. 686, Article 162081 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Tomasz Suszko, Ewa Dobruchowska, Witold Gulbinski, Grzegorz Greczynski, Jerzy Morgiel, Bartosz Kawczynski, Karol Zaleski, Krzysztof Dorywalski, Stanislaw Pogorzelski (2025) NiMo-C Coatings Synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering for Application as a Catalyst for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in an Acidic Environment ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
