
Håkan Gauffin

Associate Professor and Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery. My main interests in research are knee ligament and meniscal injuries, sports medicine including track and field and soccer.

About me


  • Athletic Research Center (ARC)


  • Medical programme



Jan Ekstrand, Martin Hägglund, Markus Walden, Håkan Gauffin, Christophe Baudot, Paco Biosca, Markus Braun, Karl Heinrich Dittmar, Dimitrios Kalogiannidis, Steve Mcnally, Ricard Pruna, Nelson Puga, Max Sala, Luca Stefanini, Peter Ueblacker, Bruno Vanhecke, Maikel van Wijk, Wart Van Zoest, Jose Maria Villalon Alonso, Armin Spreco (2025) Higher level of communication between the medical staff and the performance staff is associated with a lower hamstring injury burden: a substudy on 14 teams from the UEFA Elite Club Injury Study BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, Vol. 11, Article e002182 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Carolina Lundqvist, Moa Jederström, Laura Korhonen, Håkan Gauffin, Sigrid Nilsson, Line Nordgren, Toomas Timpka (2025) Det krävs ingen diagnos för att utbilda idrottare om kost Läkartidningen (Article in journal)


Moa Jederström, Sara Agnafors, Christina Ekegren, Kristina Fagher, Håkan Gauffin, Helena Gauffin, Laura Korhonen, Alicia Lindström, Malin Malmberg, Armin Spreco, Toomas Timpka (2024) 863 BO37 - Should lateral dominance be a topic for injury prevention in female competitive figure skaters? British Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 58 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anna Samuelsson Selin, Håkan Gauffin, Henrik Hedevik, Anne Fältström, Joanna Kvist (2024) More knee reinjuries after ACL reconstruction compared to nonsurgical treatment of the ACL. A 2-year follow-up of the NACOX prospective cohort study Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sofi Sonesson, Ingo Springer, Jafar Yakob, Henrik Hedevik, Håkan Gauffin, Joanna Kvist (2024) Knee Arthroscopic Surgery in Middle-Aged Patients With Meniscal Symptoms: A 10-Year Follow-up of a Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 52, p. 2250-2259 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
