
Isabelle Bengtsson

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor with an interest in understanding law, both in its capacity as a legal system and its role in society.

Assistant Professor in Commercial and Business Law

The relationship between the public and the private, and how this
relationship takes form, is of fundamental importance in a constitutional

My research uses this relationship as a starting point. In my dissertation "Compulsory acquisition - Private actors, profit interests and legal protection of property" (2024), this tension is the central focus, where the public powers are studied in relation to private property rights. The dissertation examines how compulsory acquisition of land relates to property protection under the Swedish Constitution and the European Convention, with a particular focus on commercial interferences on property rights.

My research at Linköping University began in the spring of 2019. It was initiated within the framework of the research project Balanced Thermal Grids, innovative small-scale energy sharing – legal and economic requirements (BTN), and initially focused largely on how these aspects related to new technical solutions for energy distribution. Since then, my research has expanded. Currently, I am investigating property law issues within the context of Swedish forestry, with a particular focus on species protection and administrative processes.

At Linköping University I teach among other subjects Constitutional law, Administrative law, and Economic Family Law.



