My research uses this relationship as a starting point and focuses in particular on land-related issues, where the public’s authority is studied in relation to private ownership. The research focuses on how expropriative encroachment and utilization regulations of land relate to property protection according to the Swedish constitution and the European Convention, with a particular focus on commercial encroachment on property rights.
My research started within the framework of the research project Balanced Thermal Grids, innovative small-scale energy sharing – legal and economic requirements (BTN), and initially focused largely on how these aspects related to new technical solutions for energy distribution.
My principal supervisor is Elif Härkönen, and my second supervisors are Åsa Åslund and Jan Kellgren.
My research at Linköping University started during the spring of 2019.
At Linköping University I teach Constitutional law, Administrative law, Economic Family Law, and Information Technology law, among others.