
Jan Marcusson

I am responsible for two separate research lines. One is trying to find new tools and work models to improve the health care of old people. The other one studies methods evaluation cognition and function in old age.


My primary research line is on how we use medical statistical tools for diagnostic/prediction of fragile elderly and how we scientifically can develop and evaluate new clinical management models for personalized health care for older persons both in primary and hospital care.

This line involves several other senior scientist at LiU and creates a new research environment for clinical aging research.

My secondary research line studies cognitive function in the oldest old and how we should detect cognitive defects in primary och specialist care.



Maria Edvardsson, Märtha Sund-Levander, Anna Milberg, Jan Ernerudh, Ewa Wressle, Jan Marcusson, Ewa Grodzinsky (2022) Classification of ≥80-year-old individuals into healthy, moderately healthy, and frail based on different frailty scores affects the interpretation of laboratory results Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 13, p. 63-71 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Katarina Fällman, Ewa Wressle, Jan Marcusson, Elisabet Classon (2022) Swedish normative data and longitudinal effects of aging for older adults: The Boston Naming Test 30-item and a short version of the Token Test Applied neuropsychology. Adult (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anna Olaison, Elisabet Cedersund, Jan Marcusson, Magnus Nord, Annette M. Sverker (2022) 'Do you have a future when you are 93?' Frail older person's perceptions about the future and end of life - a qualitative interview study in primary care Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Vol. 40, p. 417-425 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Magnus Nord, Johan Lyth, Jan Marcusson, Jenny Alwin (2022) Cost-Effectiveness of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Adapted to Primary Care Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, Vol. 23, p. 2003-2009 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Therese Bielsten, Elzana Odzakovic, Agneta Kullberg, Jan Marcusson, Ingrid Hellstrom (2022) Controlling the Uncontrollable: Patient Safety and Medication Management From the Perspective of Registered Nurses in Municipal Home Health Care Global Qualitative Nursing Research, Vol. 9, Article 23333936221108700 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Selected Publications

Cover of publication ''
Katarina Nägga, Huan-Ji Dong, Jan Marcusson, Sabina Olin Skoglund, Ewa Wressle (2012)

Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print) , Vol.54 , s.391-397 Continue to DOI

Publications in DiVA


Maria Edvardsson, Märtha Sund-Levander, Anna Milberg, Jan Ernerudh, Ewa Wressle, Jan Marcusson, Ewa Grodzinsky (2022) Classification of ≥80-year-old individuals into healthy, moderately healthy, and frail based on different frailty scores affects the interpretation of laboratory results Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 13, p. 63-71 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

About me


  • 1995 -- Professor, Linköpings universitet, Sverige
  • 1995 -- Överläkare, Geriatriska kliniken, Region Östergötland
  • 1991-1995 Lektor, Linköpings universitet, Sverige
  • 1991-1995 Biträdande överläkare, Geriatriska kliniken, Region Östergötland

