
Joanna-Maria Papageorgiou

I work as a physician at the Department of Cardiology, University hospital in Linköping with focus on patients with advanced heart failure who are equipped with a heart pump or have undergone heart transplantation as well as patients suffering from Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH).

I combine my clinical work with being a PhD student and doing research on tele-rehabilitation, ie. rehabilitation provided at a distance, with these patient groups. My goal is to find ways to improve patients’ everyday life and quality of life.

What is heart failure?

Heart failure is a chronic multifactorial clinical syndrome with a growing patient population that affects all age categories and results in reduced function level and quality of life as well as high healthcare costs. Therapeutic advances have significantly improved survival in heart failure patients, but the burden of symptoms remains high. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) is a serious pulmonary vascular disease that primarily involves the arterioles in the pulmonary vascular bed. It presents with a slowly increasing shortness of breath on exertion and patients may experience disabling symptoms. Physical activity has been shown to improve quality of life and functional capacity and probably also increases survival, but it is difficult to motivate and sustain exercise in people with long-term illnesses. I believe we can improve our work and help patients achieve higher functional capacity and better quality of life through the development and implementation of innovative methods.

My experience


  • Medical doctor 2007
  • Swedish cardiology degree 2016
  • Senior consultant at the Department of Cardiology, 2021
  • Responsible for Cardio-Oncology at the Department of Cardiology, 2016
  • Responsible for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension at the Department of Cardiology, 2022
  • SPAHR Steering Committee Member 2023

Educational assignments

  • Lecture assignments on SK course
  • Lecture assignments on Overview course in Cardiology
  • Lecture assignments on Overview in Cardiology for nurses



Linus Ohlsson, Mårten Sandstedt, Joanna-Maria Papageorgiou, Anders Svensson, Ann F. Bolger, Éva Tamás, Hans Granfeldt, Tino Ebbers, Jonas Lantz (2024) Haemodynamic significance of extrinsic outflow graft stenoses during HeartMate 3™ therapy. European heart journal. Imaging methods and practice, Vol. 2, Article qyae082 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Linus Ohlsson, Joanna-Maria Papageorgiou, Tino Ebbers, Meriam Åström Aneq, Eva Tamas, Hans Granfeldt (2024) Enhancing echocardiographic hemodynamic monitoring in HeartMate 3™ therapy: insights and future directions ESC Heart Failure, Vol. 11, p. 4441-4441 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Linus Ohlsson, Joanna-Maria Papageorgiou, Tino Ebbers, Meriam Åström, Eva Tamas, Hans Granfeldt (2024) Echocardiographic haemodynamic monitoring in the context of HeartMate 3™ therapy: a systematic review ESC Heart Failure, Vol. 11, p. 2033-2042 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Joanna-Maria Papageorgiou, Henrik Almroth, Mattias Törnudd, Henriëtte van der Wal, Georgia Varelogianni, Sofia Sederholm Lawesson (2021) Fulminant myocarditis in a COVID-19 positive patient treated with mechanical circulatory support: - a case report European Heart Journal. Case Reports, Vol. 5, Article ytaa523 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

