Teleyoga - when east meets west

Teleyoga - east meets west
Yoga training at a distance Photographer: Region Östergötland

We are investigating whether medical yoga conducted in groups digitally can improve people's health. The studies include people with long-term medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease (heart failure, pulmonary arterial hypertension) and cancer, as well as people who have been treated in the intensive care unit.

Teleyoga Study

Heart disease patients and former intensive care patients are included in the study. The study aims to evaluate the impact of medical yoga remotely at home with regard to physical function, quality of life, symptoms of anxiety and depression, sleep, and cognition in people with long-term conditions.

Study design

Single-blind parallel two-arm randomized controlled study with 1:1 distribution to intervention and control group. Persons with long-term conditions have been recruited from four hospitals and randomized to an intervention of medical yoga at home (tele-yoga) using a live videoconference link and a yoga-app on the participants tablet for 12 weeks or a control group receiving individual advice of physical activity. Data have been collected at baseline, after 3 and 6 months. Study recruitment finalized in May 2023 and findings will be reported throughout 2024 and 2025.

Yoga exercises


Evaluation of group yoga on-site in a yoga room or online during oncology treatment - a preference-based study

The overall aim of the study is to gain an increased understanding of the preferences of patients with cancer for group yoga; either on-site in a yoga room or online during their oncology treatment. In addition, we want to study the participants' expectations, experiences, health-related effects and implementation possibilities of yoga.


This is a preference-based study with two interventions consisting of medical yoga in a group with an instructor (Figure 1). One intervention is live-streamed online group yoga and the other consisting of group yoga on-site in a yoga room in the health care setting. Participants in both groups also have access to a yoga app and are recommended to perform individual yoga using the app at least 10 times daily. The medical yoga in the intervention consists of SIMY's MediYoga (, which is a standardized and evidence-based medical yoga method in the health care setting in Sweden.

Inclusion is planned until March 2025.

Matrix for Teleyoga

Yocanprefer logotype

Campus US at the University Hospital

Research group


Cover of publication ''
Anna Strömberg, Ingela Thylén, Lotti Orwelius, Leonie Klompstra, Tiny Jaarsma (2021)

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , Vol.18 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Liesbet Van Bulck, Adrienne H. Kovacs, Eva Goossens, Koen Luyckx, Tiny Jaarsma, Anna Strömberg, Philip Moons (2020)

European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing , Vol.19 , s.465-468 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Ewa Hägglund, Inger Hagerman, Kerstin Dencker, Anna Strömberg (2017)

European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing , Vol.16 , s.381-389 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Towe Hedbom, Maria Liljeroos, Ingela Thylén, Lotti Orwelius, Tiny Jaarsma, Anna Strömberg (2023)

Journal of Medical Internet Research , Vol.25 Continue to DOI


Abstracts and conference presentations

ACNAP EuroHeartCare 2022, e-poster
Relationship between generic instruments used to measure Health-related quality of life – same or different?
L: Orwelius, T. Jaarsma, A. Strömberg

HFA Congress 2023, Oral Presentation in the Nursing and Allied Professions Investigator Award
A mixed method analysis of adherence to tele-rehabilitation including livestreamed group-yoga sessions and a yoga application
Hedbom T, Klompstra L, Orwelius L, Liljeroos M, Thylén I, Jaarsma T, Strömberg A

HFA Discoveries 2020, e-poster
Tele-yoga in patients with heart failure - A feasibility, pilot study and RCT protocol
Anna Strömberg, Tiny Jaarsma, Ingela Thylen, Lotti Orwelius, Leonie Klompstra

Heart Failure 2018, invited speaker Symposium;
Alternative ways to increase physical activity.
Presentation: Medi-Yoga. Anna Strömberg.

Heart Failure 2017, invited speaker Symposium:
New home-based strategies to improve physical exercise in heart failure patients
Presentation: Yoga. Anna Strömberg

ESC Preventive Cardiology Athens 25-27th April
Cognitive impairment is associated with lower physical function in patients with heart failure
L. Klompstra, JM. Papageorgiou, T. Jaarsma, A. Stromberg
Paper poster presentation 11254

Kardiovaskulär Vårmöte 2024, 17-19 April Göteborg
Effects of tele-yoga on physical and psychological outcomes in heart failure and long-term illness - a randomised controlled trial
Paper poster presentation 6895-A-2401

Kardiovaskulär Vårmöte 2024, 17-19 April Göteborg
Cognitive impairment is associated with lower physical function in patients with heart failure.
Leonie Klompstra, Joanna-Maria Papageorgiou, Lotti Orwelius, Ingela Thylén, Tiny Jaarsma, Anna Strömberg

Kardiovaskulär Vårmöte 2024, 17-19 April Göteborg
Exploring reasons for (non)participation in a tele-yoga intervention
Leonie Klompstra, Anna Strömberg, Tiny Jaarsma, Lotti Orwelius, Ingela Thylen,
Paper poster presentation 6869-A-2401

ACNAP 2024, Wroclaw, Poland
Exploring reasons for (non)participation in a tele-yoga intervention
Leonie Klompstra, Anna Strömberg, Tiny Jaarsma, Lotti Orwelius, Ingela Thylen

Media presentations
