
Johanna Simmons

My main research interest concerns different aspects of elder abuse, both within family relations and within health care and social care.

Violence victimization – Prevalent and associated to ill-health

A large number of studies have shown that experiences of different forms of violence victimization is prevalent among both men and women, including older adults.

Violence can be physical, emotional, sexual or financial and also includes neglect. Violence and abuse occurs in all kinds of relationships, including between intimate partners and family members. Men and women are also victimized within health care and social care. Victims reporting experiencing one form of violence or abuse are at increased risk of being subjected to other forms of violence and/or violence by other perpetrators ( referred to as polyvictimization).

Violence victimization is strongly associated with different forms of ill-health. Even so, patients experience of victimization is often unknown to care givers. The long term goal of my research is to be a part of making health care better for victims of violence and abuse. At this moment my primary focus is on research concerning elder abuse within the project REAGERA – Responding to Elder Abuse in GERiAtric care.



Johanna Simmons, Christina Storm Mienna, Maria Josefsson, Per Axelsson, Katarina Nägga (2024) Interpersonal Violence Against Indigenous Sámi and Non-Sámi Populations in Arctic Sweden and the Mediating Effect of Historical Losses and Discrimination Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 39, p. 4135-4163 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Nicolina Wiklund, Mikael Ludvigsson, Katarina Nägga, Johanna Simmons (2022) Elder abuse and life-course victimization in hospitalized older adults in Sweden: prevalence and associations with mental ill-health BMC Geriatrics, Vol. 22, Article 929 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mikael Ludvigsson, Johanna Simmons (2022) Traumamedvetet förhållningssätt och exempel på tillgängliga stödinsatser Äldre personers utsatthet för våld i nära relationer: Interprofessionella perspektiv, p. 221-239 (Chapter in book)
Anita Boström, Ulrika Lindmark, Mikael Ludvigsson, Britt-Inger Saveman, Johanna Simmons, Anna Siverskog, Nina Åkerlund (2022) Förekomsten av våld i nära relationer bland äldre personer Äldre personers utsatthet för våld i nära relationer: Interprofessionella perspektiv, p. 31-64 (Chapter in book)
Anna Alm Mårtensson, Anita Boström, Ulrika Lindmark, Charlie Lundgren, Mikael Ludvigsson, Johanna Simmons (2022) Att möta våldsutsatta äldre personer Äldre personers utsatthet för våld i nära relationer: Interprofessionella perspektiv, p. 183-220 (Chapter in book)

