Photo of Johan Forsell

Johan Forsell



Johan Forsell is a PhD-student with research interests within pedagogy and social psychology. Forsell's PhD-project is part of a bigger project, Assessment of knowledge and ability in group work - an intervention study in the classroom everyday practice, funded by the Swedish Research Council. The project examines assessment in group work.

In his research Forsell uses qualitative methods for collecting data as observations, interviews and focus groups.



Johan Forsell, Karin Forslund Frykedal, Per Andersson, Eva Hammar Chiriac (2024) Upper secondary school students' perspectives on un/fairness in group work assessment Research Papers in Education (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Johan Forsell, Karin Forslund Frykedal, Eva Hammar Chiriac (2021) Teachers' perceived challenges in group work assessment Cogent Education, Vol. 8, Article 1886474 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Johan Forsell, Tina Lidström, Elisabeth Tenglet, Emilia Åkesson (2020) Editorial: Navigating in a Measurable Epistemic Landscape Confero: Essays on education, philosophy and politics, Vol. 7, p. 5-9 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Johan Näslund, Johan Forsell (2020) Studerandes syn på grupparbete Handbok för grupparbete: att skapa fungerande grupparbeten i undervisning, p. 289-305 (Chapter in book)
Johan Forsell, Karin Forslund Frykedal, Eva Hammar Chiriac (2020) Group Work Assessment: Assessing Social Skills at Group Level Small Group Research, Vol. 51, p. 87-124 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
