
Johanna Aringer

Associate Professor


I have previously worked as a teacher in both preschool and primary school, but now I work as a lecturer at the teacher training programs here at Linköping University.

I’m curious about what affects children’s meaning-making processes in science. I have a PhD in science education and my research focus on how to stimulate young children’s meaning making in science through for example picture storybooks, materials and playful activities.



Jonas Hallström, Johanna Frejd (2023) University Teachers' Experiences of Teaching Hands-On Components in Science and Technology in Primary Teacher Education during COVID-19 Journal of Science Teacher Education, Vol. 34, p. 841-860 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Johanna Frejd, Niklas Pramling (2023) Teacher self-correction of conceptual error: Fictionalisation and shifting epistemological stance in early childhood education teaching Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, Vol. 41, Article 100719 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Johanna Frejd, Lars Wallner (2023) Evolution i serieformat
Johanna Frejd, Niklas Pramling (2023) Det kan vara rätt att göra fel: Om undervisning i förskolan Venue, Vol. 24 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Johanna Frejd, Jonas Hallström (2022) Praktiska moment på distans: Form och ämnesinnehåll i naturvetenskap och teknik inom grundlärarutbildningen under covid-19-pandemin Högre Utbildning, Vol. 12, p. 61-77 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Research area

Research project
