Associate Professor, Head of Unit, Docent
2021: Docent in Materials Science, Linköping University
2011: PhD in Chemistry, University of Liverpool
2007: Master of Science (Fil. Mag.) in Physics, Göteborg University
Google Scholar Researcher-ID: F-1694-2010 ORCID: 0000-0002-1345-0006
Two of the grants were starting grants and eight were research project grants.
Materials that are incredibly thin exhibit unique properties that make them appealing for energy storage, catalysis and water purification. LiU-researchers have developed a method that enables the synthesis of hundreds of new 2D materials.
In 2022 the research program approved its first ever PhD and Postdoc projects. Out of the 18 approved projects from LiU, nine came from IFM.
Researchers from Linköping University, among others, has developed a method to manufacture two-dimensional polymers with the thickness of a single molecule. The discovery paves the way to new ultrathin and functional materials.
Two hundred years ago, thermodynamics was applied to increase the efficiency of steam engines. Now, the research is scaled down to the molecular level, with the objective of developing materials for gas storage, nanosensors, molecular machines and thermal insulators.