
Kristoffer Jutvik

Assistant Professor

My research focuses on how the recent changes in Swedish migration policy, from 2016 and onwards, affect individuals as well as the development of sustainable cities and communities.

How does the recent changes in Swedish migration policy affect individuals as well as the development of sustainable cities and communities?

How does temporary and permanent residence status affect different integration outcomes, such as work, well-being, family formation or studies? How does local housingpolicy for newly arrived refugees differ between Swedish municipalities? How does migration policy affect refugee movements? My research focuses on how the recent changes in Swedish migration policy, from 2016 and onwards, affect individuals as well as the development of sustainable cities and communities.

I am the program director of the Bachelor´s program in Social and Cultural Analysis (SKA). I also teach and administrate the courses "Living Conditions, Neighborhood and Identity", "Fieldwork", and the bachelor theses at SKA.

My main research interests are asylum politics, the multicultural society, integration, and migration. I am particularly interested in how contemporary changes in Swedish migration policy, primarily from 2016 and onwards, affect inclusion, well-being, and housing situations for newly arrived individuals.


Temporarily Welcome

How does restrictive migration policy impact labor market participation?

This project focuses on the recent changes in Swedish migration policy since 2016 and examines how they are linked to labor market participation and the well-being of individuals.

The project identifies two groups, one of which has been affected by the new policy and compares outcomes between the groups.

The project is based at REMESO but is also conducted at the Center for Municipal Studies (CKS) and the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Uppsala University.


Admitted but not Accommodated

How do municipalities handle the housing of newly arrived individuals?

In this project, we aim to map the challenges and solutions for sustainable housing for newly arrived refugees, based on the newcomers' perspectives. These perspectives will be contrasted with the viewpoints of planners and other municipal actors to find solutions that can contribute to sustainable housing.

As part of the project, we conducted a survey in 2022 targeting individuals affected and unaffected by Sweden's current migration policy. We intend to use the survey and other materials, such as interviews, to learn more about the housing situation of newly arrived individuals in different municipalities and how it is influenced by Sweden's migration legislation after 2016. 

Together with Branka Likic-Brboric, Nicolina Ewards-Öberg, Emma Holmqvist and Irene Molina.

Gatekeepers of the Undesired?

What knowledge exists about how the local level uses housing policy to attract/exclude certain population groups?

In this project, we conduct a knowledge overview to study how municipal housing policy can be used as a method to restrict settlement for vulnerable groups in general and refugees in particular.

Together with Gustav Lidén, Jon Nyhlén, Emma Holmqvist, and Joel Jacobsson.


Two projects:

Who gets Asylum?

What discretion do decision-makers have in processing asylum claims?


The Effect of Return Benefits

How do economic incentives affect return decisions?

In the first project, we study decision-making in the asylum process, with a particular focus on how unrelated factors, such as characteristics of decision-makers and applicants or media reporting/world events, influence the outcome in a claim for asylum.

In the second project, we examine how economic incentives impact the propensity to return among asylum seekers with negative decisions on their asylum applications.

Together with Henrik Andersson and Linna Martén.




Gustav Liden, Emma Holmqvist, Joel Jacobsson, Kristoffer Peter Jutvik, Jon Nyhlen (2025) Gatekeepers of the Undesired? A systematic review on local housing policy and the settlement of vulnerable groups Journal of Public Policy (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI


Gustav Lidén, Emma Holmqvist, Joel Jacobsson, Kristoffer Jutvik, Jon Nyhlén (2024) Gatekeepers of the Undesired?: A systematic review on local housing policy and the settlement of vulnerable groups Journal of Public Policy (Article in journal)
Kristoffer Jutvik, Emma Holmqvist (2024) Precarious Residence?: A study on the Impact of Restrictive Migration Policy on Migrants' Subjective Well-being and Stress Nordic Journal of Migration Research (Article in journal)
