
Lars Sandman


Director at National Centre for Priorities in Health.
My research area is organisational ethics in health-care, focusing on priority setting and ethical analysis of health-care methods.


My research field involves studying ethical aspects of distributing scarce resources within health care and studying and developing methods for ethical analyses of health-care procedures.

Outside my research activity I have a number of assignments as ethics advisor for Swedish health care authorities and regions, e.g. The Swedish Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, The National Board of Health and Well-being, The New Therapies Council, The Sahlgrenska University hospital, The Västra Götaland region etc.

Research projects

  • Just Severity – a research program on severity as a factor for priority setting – sponsored by the Swedish Research Council
  • Development and implementation of a model for horizontal priority setting within the Swedish Knowledge Management Structure.

About me


  • PhD in practical philosophy, 2002.



Jonas Wihlborg, Ulf Andersson, Anders Sterner, Lars Sandman, Anna Kangstrom, Gabriella N. Boysen (2024) Stimulating ambulance specialist nurse students' ethical reflections by high-fidelity simulation Nursing Ethics (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lars Sandman, Niklas Juth (2024) Severity and Temporality in Healthcare Priority Setting - A Case for A Condition-specific Affectable Time-neutral Approach Health Care Analysis (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Thomas Hartvigsson, Lars Sandman, Gunnar Bergstrom, Elisabeth Bjork Bramberg (2024) Cooperation in Return-to-work Interventions for Common Mental Disorders: An Ideal Theory Analysis of Actors, Goals, and Ethical Obstacles Health Care Analysis (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Johnna Sahlsten Scholin, Emma Hansson, Sara Rizell, Jenny Lindberg, Lars Sandman (2024) Ethical Challenges for Plastic Surgery in Treating Internationally Adopted Children With Cleft Lip and Palate The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Vol. 35, p. 1425-1431 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Liam Strand, Lars Sandman, Emil Persson, David Andersson, Ann-Charlotte Nedlund, Gustav Tinghög (2024) Withdrawing versus Withholding Treatments in Medical Reimbursement Decisions: A Study on Public Attitudes Medical decision making, Vol. 44, p. 641-648 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI



Recent publications


Jonas Wihlborg, Ulf Andersson, Anders Sterner, Lars Sandman, Anna Kangstrom, Gabriella N. Boysen (2024) Stimulating ambulance specialist nurse students' ethical reflections by high-fidelity simulation Nursing Ethics (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lars Sandman, Niklas Juth (2024) Severity and Temporality in Healthcare Priority Setting - A Case for A Condition-specific Affectable Time-neutral Approach Health Care Analysis (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Thomas Hartvigsson, Lars Sandman, Gunnar Bergstrom, Elisabeth Bjork Bramberg (2024) Cooperation in Return-to-work Interventions for Common Mental Disorders: An Ideal Theory Analysis of Actors, Goals, and Ethical Obstacles Health Care Analysis (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Johnna Sahlsten Scholin, Emma Hansson, Sara Rizell, Jenny Lindberg, Lars Sandman (2024) Ethical Challenges for Plastic Surgery in Treating Internationally Adopted Children With Cleft Lip and Palate The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Vol. 35, p. 1425-1431 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Liam Strand, Lars Sandman, Emil Persson, David Andersson, Ann-Charlotte Nedlund, Gustav Tinghög (2024) Withdrawing versus Withholding Treatments in Medical Reimbursement Decisions: A Study on Public Attitudes Medical decision making, Vol. 44, p. 641-648 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Research affiliation
