Magnus Wallén
Senior Associate Professor
The industrial sector accounts for a significant share of energy use and CO2 emissions in Sweden and internationally. To study industrial energy use is vital for the future competitiveness of Swedish industry.
Possibilities to influence industrial energy use for increased energy efficiency and profitability
Through analyses of industrial energy use, via among other things modelling, the possibilities of influencing energy use to achieve increased energy efficiency and profitability, as well as reducing environmental and climate impact are studied. This is vital for the future competitiveness of Swedish industry. Technical and engineering studies are central to the work, but interdisciplinary influences are integrated, which also includes the user of the technology.
Research for increased industrial efficiency and profitability
The research team at Energy Systems, Linköping University, is one of the leading groups both nationally and internationally in research on industrial energy systems. The group is focussing on issues such as industrial energy management, well-designed government policy instruments, well-functioning energy services markets and applied industrial energy research concerning energy efficiency potentials. Within these areas methods and tools are addressed, and also issues regarding what prevents and drives improved energy efficiency among companies.
I work with analysis of industrial energy systems, including both large energy-intensive industries and industrial small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. The research is conducted on a high aggregation level and does not involve research on the components of the system. It is more related to how to connect various components together. The focus is on the user side, with energy efficiency as a central concept. However, because research is conducted on a high level of aggregation, also the supply side is included in the work. This also means that cooperation between industries and between industries and the local community is included in the research.
Areas I work in are comparisons of potentials, energy efficiency and technology, excess heat, energy-related policy instruments, the impact of the system boundary setting on industrial analysis, and issues relating to energy audits and energy management. Also, I have vast experience in modelling of industrial energy systems based on optimisation, where I have been part in developing a tool for analysis.


Graduate School and Teaching
Graduate education in energy systems with interdisciplinarity as a key concept
I am director of the Graduate School in Energy Systems and leading the office (collaboration forum).
Previously I was research director of studies for the Graduate School in Energy Systems and the Energy Systems Programme. Within these research schools I was responsible for a number of postgraduate courses, such as general energy systems courses and courses concerning interdisciplinary and systems theory. The work in the graduate schools has given me a good interdisciplinary foundation that is essential in the analysis of industrial energy systems.
Undergraduate education for an energy-efficient future
I am working and lecturing in a number of courses that the Division of Energy Systems is organizing, where I teach everything from different energy supply technologies, such as wind power and solar energy, and industrial measures for reducing energy use, to systemic issues that need to be considered in the analysis of energy systems in general.
- Bachelor of Science in Energy Engineering, Mid Sweden University College, Sweden, 1996
- PhD, Linköping University, Sweden, 2002
- Senior Lecturer, Linköping University, Sweden, 2009
- Senior Associated Professor, 2022
I am responsible for the courses:
- Efficient Industrial Energy Systems (TMES31)
- Analysis and Modelling of Industrial Energy Systems (TMES43)
- Energy Systems - Supply and Demand (TMES44)
I teach in a great number of courses given by Energy systems, besides the above mentioned courses also in for example:
- Industrial energy systems
- Sustainable energy systems
Vice CEO and board member:
- Nordic Energy Audit AB
Main supervisor for:
- Sarah Broberg Viklund (Disputation 150925)
- Joakim Haraldsson (Disputation 200515)
- Akvile Lawrence (Disputation 200529)
- Emma Lindkvist (Disputation 200610)
- Igor Cruz (Licentiate, 220303)
Examining committee:
- Jan-Olof Andersson (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 140327)
- Fredrik Starfelt (Mälardalen University College, Sweden, 150902)
- Mattias Vesterlund (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 170615)
Opponent for:
- Svante Monie (Uppsala University, 220215)