
Martin Dahlqvist

Associate Professor, Docent

Associate professor in material science at the department of Materials Design


In my research I use computer calculations and methods to predict and develop new materials with potential for being synthesized, and to identify and understand the mechanisms that can explain why a material is stable.

My academic careere started at Lund University with a master's degree in physical chemistry, followed by PhD-studies in material science focused on thin film physics at Linköping University. During my postdoc at National University of Science and Technology in Moscow (MISiS ) and Materials Theory at ETH Zürich I focused on magnetic materials in layered form and with magnetism and electricity being closely intertwined, so called multiferroic materials.

Present research projects:

  • Development of theoretical methods for identifying the emergence of chemical ordering or solid solution disorder when different kinds of atoms are mixed.
  • Executing high performance computing on supercomputers for predicting new materials.
  • Magnetism in layered materials.

I have principal responsibility to secure the availability to the national supercomputing resources for large scale projects at the Materials Design division Thin Film Physics division at IFM.



Pernilla Helmer, Martin Dahlqvist, Johanna Rosén (2025) Computational screening of MOX<sub>2</sub> transition metal oxydihalides with M = V, Nb, Ta, Mo, Ru, or Os, and X = Cl, Br, or I Journal of Materials Chemistry C (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
E. B. Thorsteinsson, Martin Dahlqvist, Anna Elsukova, Andrejs Petruhins, Per O A Persson, Johanna Rosén, A. S. Ingason, F. Magnus (2025) Growth and magnetic properties of epitaxial thin films of the i-MAX phase (Mn2/3Sc1/3)2GaC Vacuum, Vol. 233, Article 113856 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Adam Carlsson, Rodrigo Ronchi, Johanna Rosén, Martin Dahlqvist (2024) Computational exploration of M-sites with chemical order and disorder in M′2M′′B2 and M′4M′′B3 compounds Nanoscale (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Martin Dahlqvist, Johanna Rosén (2024) Chalcogen and halogen surface termination coverage in MXenes-structure, stability, and properties npj 2D Materials and Applications, Vol. 8, Article 65 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Adam Carlsson, Johanna Rosén, Martin Dahlqvist (2024) Systematic high-throughput exploration of quaternary M′2M″AlB4 phases Computational materials science, Vol. 239, Article 112953 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI