
Marlene Dufvenberg


I work as an assistant lecturer at the Unit of Physiotherapy, and I am also a PhD student. My research expands mainly in the neurological and musculoskeletal field with special interest in paediatrics and scoliosis.


I am an assistant lecturer at the Unit of Physiotherapy and I have more than 30 years of clinical experience in paediatrics and neurology and a certified specialist in Physiotherapy-paediatrics.

I am also a PhD-student in the field of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. My research interest includes epidemiology and mechanism of scoliosis and evaluation of physiotherapeutic interventions. My focus is in research treatment options for adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.


SOSORT 2018, Abstract, verbal presentation, nominated to top 10 Award Winner “Does postural stability differ between adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis and typically developed? A systematic review and meta-analysis”

Excellent Inspirer, nominated by students through Consensus 2013

About me


1983 Registered Physical Therapist
1989 Education for teachers in applied physiology
1990Motor development, analysis and treatment strategies 
1991Different perspectives on motor control
1992 Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy
2003 Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy
2004 Clinical evaluation
2005 Master of medical Science in Physiotherapy
2005 Certified Specialist in physiotherapy-paediatrics
2012 Implementation, integrated masterprogram

Field of teaching

  • Diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders
  • Responsible for semester 4, Physiotherapy and Disability II, 30 credits
  • Lectures, seminars, skill training and examination mainly in semester 4
  • Examinations
  • Tutoring bachelor´s degree reports and essays
  • Tutor and examinations,  Physiotherapy in Neurological Disabilities 7,5 credits
  • Tutor and examinations, Assessment and treatment in Vertigo and Balance Problems, 7,5 credits

Other assignments

  • Member of the Board at the Department of Medical and Health Sciences 2015-2019
  • Member of the Program Committees medical program 2015-2019



Marlene Dufvenberg, Anastasios Charalampidis, Elias Diarbakerli, Birgitta Öberg, Hans Tropp, Anna Aspberg Ahl, Daphne Wezenberg, Henrik Hedevik, Hans Möller, Paul Gerdhem, Allan Abbott (2024) Prognostic model development for risk of curve progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a prospective cohort study of 127 patients Acta Orthopaedica, Vol. 95, p. 536-544 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Marlene Dufvenberg (2024) Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Postural Stability, Prognostic factors and Impact of Conservative Treatments on Radiologic, Clinical and Self-Reported Outcomes
Anastasios Charalampidis, Elias Diarbakerli, Marlene Dufvenberg, Kourosh Jalalpour, Acke Ohlin, Anna Aspberg Ahl, Hans Möller, Allan Abbott, Paul Gerdhem (2024) Nighttime Bracing or Exercise in Moderate-Grade Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis JAMA Network Open, Vol. 7, Article e2352492 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Marlene Dufvenberg, Elias Diarbakerli, Anastasios Charalampidis, Birgitta Öberg, Hans Tropp, Anna Aspberg Ahl, Hans Moller, Paul Gerdhem, Allan Abbott (2023) Correction: Dufvenberg et al. Six-Month Results on TreatmentAdherence, Physical Activity, Spinal Appearance, SpinalDeformity, and Quality of Life in an Ongoing Randomised Trialon Conservative Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis(CONTRAIS). J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4967 Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 12, Article 7079 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Marlene Dufvenberg, Elias Diarbakerli, Anastasios Charalampidis, Birgitta Öberg, Hans Tropp, Anna Aspberg Ahl, Hans Möller, Paul Gerdhem, Allan Abbott (2021) Six-Month Results on Treatment Adherence, Physical Activity, Spinal Appearance, Spinal Deformity, and Quality of Life in an Ongoing Randomised Trial on Conservative Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (CONTRAIS) Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 10, Article 4967 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Research area
