
Mary Catherine Osman

PhD student

Striving to aid logistics networks implementing biomethane solutions satisfying the demands of sustainable transport from customers and politicians

Is the answer to greener transport in our trashcans?

I began my PhD studies in February 2021 as an industrial doctoral student, splitting my time between Linköpings University and VTI.

Road transport of goods is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Through the years, various fossil fuel alternatives have proved viable. Now the task at hand in order to reach 2030 emission goals is to successfully implement these fuel alternatives.

Understanding the dynamics of logistics networks, relationships between actors and the fuel alternative's drivers and barriers, I believe, will allow the transition from fossil fuels to their alternatives to go smoothly. Identifying the freight forwarder as a major influencer for steering the supply chain towards being more sustainable, therefore most of my research centers around the freight forwarder’s perspective.

While I aim to produce results that may be transferred to multiple fossil-free fuels, the research uses biomethane as a focal fossil-free fuel. Biomethane is a fuel source produced from the anerobic digestion of organic matter which after upgradation and conversion to a liquid is a sustainable diesel alternative for long-haul trucks. Adjustments to the process allows for the organic matter to become heating and electricity. By using organic matter collected from households and agriculture, allows for a society to come one step closer to becoming self-sustaining, circular, and fossil-free. The municipality of Linköping has long worked with biomethane production creating a good forum in which to study the process, actors’ relationships, and network challenges enlightening for the further use of biomethane across both Sweden and Europe.

Additionally, I aid in teaching of logistics courses at Linköping University, while also working on various governmental reports at VTI.

This doctoral project is financed by Triple F.

Brief facts

Academic background

My academic journey thus far has lead to growth and experience across two continents and three countries.

  • Master's Degree in Service Management specializing in logistics; Lund University, 2017- 2019
  • Bachelor's Degree in Marketing specializing in International Business and Supply Chain Management; Mississippi State University, 2012-2017
  • Bachelor's Degree in French Language and Literature; Mississippi State University, 2012 -2017



Mary Catherine Osman (2023) Green Logistics Networks: Roles & Symbiotic Relationships
Mary Catherine Osman, Maria Huge-Brodin, Jonas Ammenberg, Jenny Karlsson (2023) Exploring green logistics practices in freight transport and logistics: a study of biomethane use in Sweden International Journal of Logistics, Vol. 26, p. 548-567 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Mary Catherine Osman, Maria Huge-Brodin, Linea Kjellsdotter Ivert (2022) Business Practices for Transition to Fossil-Free Fuel for Freight Logistics Research Network Conference: Supply Chain Innovation: People, Process, Technology (Conference paper)
Mary Catherine Osman, Maria Huge-Brodin, Linea Kjellsdotter Ivert (2022) Actor's Drivers and Barriers switching to Fossil-Free Fuels: A Multiple-case Study The 34th ANNUAL NOFOMA CONFERENCE (Conference paper)


Mary Catherine Osman, Maria Huge-Brodin, Jonas Ammenberg, Jenny Karlsson (2021) Fossil-Free Fuels for Freight and Logistics: A Literature-Based Study


