Matilda Berg

Associate Professor



Nike Lindhe, Matilda Berg, Kali Andersson, Gerhard Andersson (2024) Experiences of undergoing internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for climate change-related distress: a qualitative study BMC Psychiatry, Vol. 24, Article 775 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Victoria Aminoff, Johan Bobeck, Sofia Hjort, Elise Sorliden, Mikael Ludvigsson, Matilda Berg, Gerhard Andersson (2023) Tailored internet-based psychological treatment for psychological problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial Internet Interventions, Vol. 34, Article 100662 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Gerhard Andersson, Anton Käll, Simon Juhlin, Carl Wahlstrom, Edvard de Fine Licht, Simon Färdeman, Anna Franck, Anna Tholcke, Karin Nachtweij, Emma Fransson, Kristofer Vernmark, Mikael Ludvigsson, Matilda Berg (2023) Free choice of treatment content, support on demand and supervision in internet-delivered CBT for adults with depression: A randomized factorial design trial Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 162, Article 104265 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Nike Lindhe, Amanda Bengtsson, Emma Byggeth, Julia Engstrom, Moa Lundin, Mikael Ludvigsson, Victoria Aminoff, Matilda Berg, Gerhard Andersson (2023) Tailored internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for individuals experiencing psychological distress associated with climate change: A pilot randomized controlled trial Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 171, Article 104438 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Matilda Berg, Helena Klemetz, Tomas Lindegaard, Gerhard Andersson (2023) Self-esteem in new light: a qualitative study of experiences of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for low self-esteem in adolescents BMC Psychiatry, Vol. 23, Article 810 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

