Monographies and articles
Michael Godhe, “The Modernity That Was Yet to Come: On Claës Lundin’s Science-Fiction Novel Oxygen och Aromasia: Bilder från år 2378, in Marta Tveit et al (red), Nordic Anthology on Science Fiction (New York: Routledge, 2024). [referee-granskad]
Will Bridges, Michael Godhe & Luke Goode, “The Journal of Social and Cultural Possibilities: A Triptych Introduction”, in Journal of Social and Cultural Possibilities, 2024:1.
Michael Godhe, ”Some Notes on the Conceptions of Time and History in Speculative Fiction“, in Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, 2022:2.
Michael Godhe & Magnus Rodell, “Att förstå globaliseringen utifrån ett samtidshistoriskt perspektiv” [”Understanding Globalizing From a Contemporary History Studies Perspective”], in Lychnos: Årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria, 2021.
Jerry Määttä, Daniel Bodén & Michael Godhe, ”A Conversation on AI, Science Fiction, and Work”, in Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, 2021:2.
Helene Ehriander & Michael Godhe, ”Youth Solving Pandemics: Hopeful Futures in Maths Claesson’s Novel Pandemic”, in Neohelicon, 2021:2. [peer review]
Michael Godhe, ”Att lära sig framtidsberedskap: Om science fiction, didaktik och pedagogik” [”To Learn Preparedness for the Future: On Science Fiction, Didactics, and Pedagogics”], in Anders Burman, Joakim Landahl & Daniel Lövheim (red.), Moderna Pedagogiska Utopier [Modern Pedagogic Utopias] (Södertörn: Södertörn Högskola, 2021). [peer review]
Jerry Määttä, Daniel Bodén & Michael Godhe, ”Ett samtal om AI och science fiction” [A Conversation on AI and Science Fiction], in Bodén & Godhe (red.), AI, robotar och föreställningar om framtidens arbetsliv [AI, Robots and Notions of Tomorrow’s Working Life] (Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2020).
Michael Godhe, ”Att lära sig leva med robotar: Om normaliseringen av robotar och AI i 2000-talets medier” [”Laerning to Live With Robots: On the Normalization of AI and Robots in 21st Century Swedish Media”], in Bodén & Godhe (red.), AI, robotar och föreställningar om framtidens arbetsliv [AI, Robots and Notions of Tomorrow’s Working Life] (Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2020). [English translation available on ResearchGate: (PDF) LEARNING TO LIVE WITH ROBOTS On the normalization of robots and AI in 21st Century Swedish Media [Pre-print]
Daniel Bodén & Michael Godhe, ”Inledning” [”Introduction”], in Daniel Bodén & Michael Godhe (red.), AI, robotar och föreställningar om framtidens arbetsliv [AI, Robots and Notions of Tomorrow’s Working Life] (Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2020).
Michael Godhe, “Hopeful Dystopias? Figures of Hope in the Brazilian Science Fiction Series 3%”, in Joe Trotta, Zlatan Filipovic & Houman Sadri (red.), Broken Mirrors: Representations of Apocalypses and Dystopias in Popular Culture (New York: Routledge, 2019).
Michael Godhe, ”The Right Kind of Curiosity”, in Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, 2019:1.
Michael Godhe, “’The Old Stories Had Become Our Prison’: Globalisation and Identity Politics in John Barnes’s Science Fiction Novels A Million Open Doors and Earth Made of Glass”, in Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, 2018:1. [peer review]
Michael Godhe & Luke Goode, ”Critical Future Studies – A Thematic Introduction”, in Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 2018:2.
Michael Godhe, “After Work: Anticipatory Knowledge on Post-Scarcity Futures in John Barnes’s Thousand Cultures Tetralogy”, in Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 2018:2. [peer review]
Luke Goode & Michael Godhe, ”Beyond Capitalist Realism – Why We Need Critical Future Studies”, in Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 2017:1. [peer review]
Staffan Bergwik, Michael Godhe, Anders Houltz & Magnus Rodell, ”Inledning” [”Introduction”], in Bergwik, Godhe, Houltz & Rodell (eds.), Svensk snillrikhet? Nationella föreställningar om entreprenörer och teknisk begåvning 1800-2000 [Swedish Ingenuity? National Conceptions About Entrepreneurs and Technical Skill 1800-2000] (Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2014).
Michael Godhe, ”Post Scriptum: Vårt behov av geniala och innovativa individer”, [“Post Scriptum: Our Want of Genial and Innovative Individuals”], in Bergwik, Godhe, Houltz & Rodell (eds.), Svensk snillrikhet? Nationella föreställningar om entreprenörer och teknisk begåvning 1800-2000 [Swedish Ingenuity? National Conceptions About Entrepreneurs and Technical Skill 1800-2000] (Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2014).
Michael Godhe & Jonas Ramsten, ”Inledning” [”Introduction”] and ”Efterord” [”Afterword”], in Godhe & Ramsten (eds.), Möjliga världar: Tekniken, vetenskapen och science fiction [Possible Worlds: Technology, Science and Science Fiction] (Stockholm: Carlssons, 2010).
Michael Godhe, ”’Literature of estrangement’: Några linjer i feministisk utopi- och sf-forskning” [”’Literature of estrangement’: Some Features in Feminist Research on Utopia and Science Fiction”], in Godhe & Ramsten (eds.), Möjliga världar: Tekniken, vetenskapen och science fiction [Possible Worlds: Technology, Science and Science Fiction] (Stockholm: Carlssons, 2010).