
Niklas Simm

Assistant Professor

How can our logistics systems become greener, when the demand for logistics services is increasing? My research focuses on how interaction between organisations can facilitate the greening of logistics.


I am a PhD Student at the department of Logistics and Quality management. My research is a part of the research area Climate Smart Transport Systems and my research focuses foremost on how interaction interplay with the greening of our logistics systems. In addition to research and doctoral studies, I teach various courses offered from our department.

Short Facts


Master of science in Communications, Transport and Infrastructure, 2018


TETS37, Basics in Logistics Management

TETS57, Logistics Analysis

TETS37, Sustainable Logistics Systems

TPPE91, Production System Planning and Management

And others




Niklas Simm, Maria Björklund, Henrik Gillström (2024) Collaborative Green Freight Transport: The impact on transport resilience
Maria Björklund, Niklas Simm (2024) Framgångsrik aktörssamverkan för omställning till hållbara transportsystem, en vägledning
Niklas Simm (2024) Resursdelning för grönare logistik Supply Chain Effect, Vol. 1, p. 38-41 (Article in journal)
Niklas Simm (2024) Sharing Resources for Greener Logistics


Maria Björklund, Niklas Simm, Uni Sallnäs (2022) Nära aktörssamverkan för hållbar logistik: vad innebär det i praktiken? Supply chain effect, Vol. 5, p. 32-37 (Article in journal)

