Photo of Maria Björklund

Maria Björklund


I work in logistics with a passion for the environment and taking social responsibilities seriously. If we are to achieve long-term sustainability, our logistics systems must also be economically viable.

Sustainable logistics, a precondition for sustainable development

Sustainable logistics is an exciting field in a period of rapid development. Sustainable logistics concerns reducing the harmful impact on the environment and increasing the way in which citizens take their social responsibility seriously in current and future logistics systems. The field is, however, much larger than that. If we are to meet the objectives set by, for example, Agenda 2030, we must re-evaluate the role of logistics in society and increase logistics expertise in accordance with this. Logistics and logistics expertise are no longer something that only companies are interested in: knowledge must also be developed and adapted for new target groups.

Three central starting points for my research are collaboration between actors in the supply chains and those outside, sustainable business models, and the power of innovation and innovative thinking. The challenges we are facing today are too large and complex for one organisation alone. We must develop and deepen our forms of collaboration, with both existing and new actors. A broad perspective for business models is necessary – one that includes the resources base, roles and relationships, together with customers and income streams. We must develop new patterns of thought and not simply innovative technology: we can find innovations in sustainable logistics in, for example, new forms of organisation.

My research covers topics such as city logistics, environmental and social considerations in the procurement of logistics services, the development of attractive and sustainable services by logistics providers, business models for circular flows, and how companies and organisations can collaborate to ensure that the complete supply chain becomes more sustainable.

I lead research projects and supervise doctoral students. I also work actively to improve doctoral education in the department. Since 2010, I have published more than 20 articles in international scientific journals, and nearly 40 refereed conference contributions. In addition, I am the author of three textbooks and several book chapters and reports.

Brief facts

Summary CV

  • Professor, 2020
  • Docent in logistics, 2012
  • Doctoral degree in logistics, 2005
  • Master’s degree in mechanical engineering, 1999


  • Director of studies for research education, Department of Management and Engineering (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Member of the Board of Research Education, Department of Management and Engineering
  • Visiting Professor Linnaeus University
  • Senior editor: Journal of Business Logistics, 2020 - 
  • Senior editorial adviser: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (2011- 2020)
  • Expert examiner for applications for research grants (for bodies such as Formas, Swedish Energy Agency, Horizon 2020).
  • Several commissions as examiner and member of the examining committee for licentiate and doctoral theses.
  • Several commissions as member of the expert committee for appointments as senior lecturer and promotion to docent.


  • TETS36 Sustainable Logistics Systems: Examiner, lecturer, seminar leader
  • TETS38/ ETE361 Logistics Project: Supervisor, seminar leader (previously examiner)
  • TETS23 Purchasing: Seminar leader
  • TNSL15 Logistics and Sustainable Development: Lecturer
  • Thesis work: Supervisor and examiner
  • Courses for doctoral students in sustainable logistics and other topics
  • Visiting lecturer at other universities


  • Scholarship from the Familjen Knut & Ragnvi Jacobssons Stiftelse, 2013
  • Best article, 2011: “Influences from the business environment on environmental purchasing – Drivers and hinders of purchasing green transportation services” in the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
  • Supervised students who have won degree project awards in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2016
  • Recognition from LiU for excellent courses (I-plom and Dean’s Letter from the Faculty of Science and Engineering)


Research areas

Selected research projects



Maria Björklund, Niklas Simm (2024) Framgångsrik aktörssamverkan för omställning till hållbara transportsystem, en vägledning
Uni Sallnäs, Maria Huge-Brodin, Maria Björklund, Fredrik Eng-Larsson (2024) Green distribution alternatives: actors, roles and responsibilities Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains in an Era of Digital Transformation: Research Developments and Future Prospects, p. 105-122
Henrik Gillström, Maria Björklund (2024) Assessing the benefits of urban consolidation centres: an overview based on a systematic literature review Transport reviews Continue to DOI
Henrik Gillström, Maria Björklund, Uni Sallnäs, John Harrison Bhatti, Mats Abrahamsson (2024) Ett nödvändigt drivmedel i transformationen mot ellastbilar?: En jämförelse av resursdelning mellan två tekniker Transportforum
Arne Nåbo, Mats Abrahamsson, Harrison John Bhatti, Maria Björklund, David Daniels, Mike Danilovic, Per Haugland, Petter Huddén, Jens Portinson Hylander, Svetla Käck, Per Lindahl, Jasmine Lihua Liu, Uni Sallnäs (2024) Battery-Swapping for Heavy Duty Vehicles: A Feasibility Study on Up-Scaling in Sweden


