My teaching includes courses in optimisation, traffic planning, traffic modelling, public transport, programming, statistical learning. In addition, I supervise bachelor's and master's degree projects. I am also passionate about constantly renewing and further developing our educational programmes.

Nils Breyer
Assistant Professor
I study how data can be used to create better public transport and railways.
My research is about using big data to improve planning, management and traffic information in the transport system with a focus on rail and public transport. The methods I use include machine learning, statistics and other tools for large-scale data processing and analysis. In addition, I am involved in undergraduate education.
My research focuses on how large-scale data sources can be used to understand travel patterns to facilitate transport planning. For example, I have worked on developing methods to analyse travel patterns using data from the mobile network in a way that protects user privacy. I have also investigated how travel patterns in public transport change after long-term disruptions using travel card data. Traffic information is an important part of the experience of travelling by rail and public transport, where there is great potential to provide travellers with more personalised and accurate information. I study how both historical patterns and real-time data can be used to improve traffic information.
My teaching includes courses in optimisation, traffic planning, traffic modelling, public transport, programming, statistical learning. In addition, I supervise bachelor's and master's degree projects. I am also passionate about constantly renewing and further developing our educational programmes.
My teaching includes courses in optimisation, traffic planning, traffic modelling, public transport, programming, statistical learning. In addition, I supervise bachelor's and master's degree projects. I am also passionate about constantly renewing and further developing our educational programmes.