Communications and Transport Systems

Communications and Transport Systems

The division of Communications and Transport Systems contributes to the development of society with research and education in the fields of railway and public transport, traffic systems, logistics, mobile telecommunication and construction engineering. The research is organized in nine main areas and we have the responsibility for six educational programmes.

We are one of the largest university groups in Europe within transportation including around 70 researchers, teachers and PhD-students. We work in close cooperation with industry, authorities and research institutes.

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Thor Balkhed

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A person in a middle of a constructing site.

Reducing construction transport movements in cities

Construction transport in cities creates major disruption. This can be greatly reduced. But it requires better planning and management at an early stage in construction projects.

Emma Persson, Ina Eriksson, Lina Fredriksson and Mirna Baaoth

Students looking for a missing person in Kolmården Wildlife Park

Someone’s lost in the Kolmården Forest and around 40 students must find him before he wanders into the elephant enclosure. They are using the electronic footprints he has made. Can they manage it? Indeed they can – and it doesn’t take them long.

A road sign reading

Kungsgatan to communicate with Norrköping citizens

The Testbädd Kungsgatan project has been awarded SEK 1.5 million from the Norrköping Fund for Research and Development until May 2021. The grant will be used to develop an IoT platform as a service that will collect data along the street.