Photo of Peter Värbrand

Peter Värbrand

Professor Emeritus

During his time at Linköping University, Peter Värbrand has switched between different roles and activities. This mix of perspectives makes a good starting point since the university's current focus is on further developing its external relations.

Focus on external relations and innovation

Ever since it was established, Linköping University has been characterised by a good collaborative culture. There is an equally strong tradition of regarding collaboration as an integral part of the university's research and education, in which academic excellence and social relevance go hand in hand.

Collaboration gives the university's courses a link to the future job market, increases the relevance of its research and facilitates wide utilisation of knowledge, to the benefit of our society – today and tomorrow.

As Deputy Vice-Chancellor responsible for External Relations and Innovation, it is Prof. Värbrand's task to strengthen Linköping University's strategic collaboration – especially relating to the utilisation of knowledge, which is one of LiU’s high-priority choices. This work has its starting point in the faculties’ and the departments’ action plans and in close collaboration with administrative support at University Services and LiU Holding. Further, LiU participates in national development projects together with other universities to standardise teaching within the field. In his role of deputy vice-chancellor, he is also chairman of the board of LiU Holding AB.

CV and duties


  • Since 2012 Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Linköping University
  • Professor in Optimisation at ITN/ Linköping University
  • PhD (1988); Senior lecturer (1989); Fellow (1995); Professor (2001)
  • Main supervisor: 5 doctoral students and 8 licentiates students
  • As chief applicant, secured funding from the Swedish Research Council, VINNOVA, EU etc.
  • 40+ international journal articles; 4 books and 1 book chapter; 10+ peer-reviewed international conference articles

External duties

  • EUA-RIS3 Expert Group
  • ECIU Board and VP Research Group
  • Medtech4Health – National strategic innovation programme
  • Swedish Electromobility Centre (SEC)
  • Swedish Aeronautical Research Center (SARC)
  • Almi East Sweden AB
  • Swedish Institute’s academic council
  • Science Park Mjärdevi (SPM)
  • Linköpings universitet Holding AB
  • Centre for Municipality Studies (CKS)
  • HELIX, VINN Excellence Centre
  • FunMat, VINN Excellence Centre


Collaboration at Linköping University