Rebecca Johansson

Cleaning Service Staff


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Closeup of small pieces of liver in a petri dish.

A liver biopsy may predict spread of pancreatic cancer

Microscopic changes in the liver can be used to predict spread of pancreatic cancer. The discovery may provide new ways of predicting the course of the disease and preventing pancreatic cancer from spreading to other organs.

The world's largest eye research organization praises LiU researchers

Neil Lagali and Mehrdad Rafat earn global acclaim, winning ARVO Foundation's 2023 Point of View Award. Recognized by the world's largest eye research organization, their work in regenerative ophthalmology offers new hope for vision restoration.

Woman with arms crossed.

She wants to make robots behave better

Researcher Hannah Pelikan believes that we will see increased conflicts between humans and robots in the future.  In her research, she films everyday encounters between humans and machines to see what happens.