
Roghayeh Hajizadeh


My research area is the application of discrete optimization in solving complex real-life problems. In my work, I explore how discrete optimization techniques can be applied to snow removal problem and air traffic management. This includes formulating the problem as a mathematical model and selecting solution methods or developing methods in order to find good solutions.

I am a part of Mathematics and algorithms for intelligent decision-making research group, and I am currently involved in two research projects. I have been working on Optimization of snow removal in cities since 2017 when I started my PhD studies at LiU. In addition, I have been a part of research project Optimization methods for large air traffic management problems (OPT@ATM) since August 2023.



Current teaching

  • Combinatorial Optimization (TAOP33) for Master of Science in Engineering programmes in Computer Science and Engineering, and Computer Science and Software Engineering.
  • Supply Chain Optimization (TAOP18) for Master of Science in Engineering programmes in Design and Product Development, Industrial Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering, and for Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Mathematics.



Roghayeh Hajizadeh, Tatiana Polishchuk, Elina Rönnberg, Christiane Schmidt (2024) A Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation for AutomatedAircraft Arrival Scheduling in TMAs Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, PATAT 2024, p. 268-271 (Conference paper)


Roghayeh Hajizadeh (2023) Optimization of Snow Removal in Cities
Roghayeh Hajizadeh, Kaj Holmberg (2023) Lagrangian relaxation for the urban snow removal problem
Roghayeh Hajizadeh, Kaj Holmberg (2023) In search of good relaxations for the urban snow removal problem


Roghayeh Hajizadeh, Kaj Holmberg (2022) Urban snow removal: Tree elimination

