In my work as an international coordinator, I focus on Southern and East Africa, which are prioritized regions at Linköping University. I am LiU’s contact person for the South Africa Sweden University Forum (SASUF) and for the Southern African - Nordic Centre (SANORD). I usually send out a newsletter approximately twice per semester.

Sarah Mitchell
TEDxNorrköpingSalon: Truth, lies and photographs
Sarah, invited lecturer at TEDxNorrköpingsalon on June 7, 2018 presented her ongoing research.
"Lately there has been much talk of ‘fake news’, and the idea that we are living in a ‘post-truth’ era. At the same time, the assumption that ‘seeing is believing’ is still deeply ingrained. We believe that if we have visual evidence of something, it must be true. This is often illustrated by the way we respond to photographs – treating them as ‘proof’ of a knowable reality. While it might be tempting to see photographs in this way, I would like to challenge this assumption by looking deeper into the complex processes involved in seeing. Through this talk, we will have the opportunity to reflect on our own notions of truth and reality and how we try to use our sense of sight to ‘know’ the world around us. We will have the chance to draw on Buddhist philosophy, theories of visual culture and our own, personal experiences as we explore ideas of truth and reality in relation to photographs." /Sarah Mitchell