
Sarah Mitchell



Jag jobbar mot Linköping universitets prioriterade regioner med fokus på södra och östra Afrika. Jag är LiU:s kontaktperson för South Africa Sweden University Forum (SASUF) Southern African - Nordic Centre (SANORD). Jag brukar skicka ut nyhetsbrev ungefär två gånger per termin.




Anna Sparrman, Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Olga Anatoli Smith (Ivanova), Klara Andersson, Deniz Arzuk, Johanna Annerbäck, Linnea Bodén, Mindy Blaise, Claudia Castañeda, Rebecca Coleman, Florian Eßer, Matt Finn, Daniel Gustafsson, Peter Holmqvist, Jonathan Josefsson, Peter Kraftl, Nick Lee, Karín Lesnik-Oberstein, Sarah Mitchell, Karin Murris, Alex Orrmalm, David Oswell, Alan Prout, Rachel Rosen, Katherine Runswick-Cole, Johanna Sjöberg, Karen Smith, Spyros Spyrou, Kathryn Bond Stockton, Affrica Taylor, Ohad Zehavi, Emilia Zotevska (2023) Child Studies Multiple: Collaborative play for thinking through theories and methods Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 15 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Sarah Mitchell (2021) (Extra)Ordinary Swedish Dads: Branding the'Exceptional' Swedish Nation through VisualRepresentations of 'Everyday Fatherhood' Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 13, s. 155-179 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Sarah Mitchell (2021) Representations of 'progressive fatherhood' in postcolonial Zimbabwe: binaries, ambivalences and ambiguities Families, Relationships and Societies, Vol. 10, s. 497-515 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Sarah Jane Mitchell (2021) Fatherhood Images and Ideals: Transforming, Circulating, and Responding to the Swedish Dads Photo Exhibition



TEDxNorrköpingSalon: Truth, lies and photographs

Sarah Mitchell, inbjuden föreläsare på TEDxNorrköpingsalon den 7 juni 2018 och presenterade sin forskning.

Sammandrag på engelska.
"Lately there has been much talk of ‘fake news’, and the idea that we are living in a ‘post-truth’ era. At the same time, the assumption that ‘seeing is believing’ is still deeply ingrained. We believe that if we have visual evidence of something, it must be true. This is often illustrated by the way we respond to photographs – treating them as ‘proof’ of a knowable reality. While it might be tempting to see photographs in this way, I would like to challenge this assumption by looking deeper into the complex processes involved in seeing. Through this talk, we will have the opportunity to reflect on our own notions of truth and reality and how we try to use our sense of sight to ‘know’ the world around us. We will have the chance to draw on Buddhist philosophy, theories of visual culture and our own, personal experiences as we explore ideas of truth and reality in relation to photographs." /Sarah Mitchell

Sarah Mitchell visa diplom från TEDxNorrköping SalonSarah Mitchell, inbjuden föreläsare på TEDxNorrköping Salon. Foto: Emelie Fälton.



CV i korthet

  • 2016-
    Doctoral Candidate Child Studies, Linköping University, Sweden
  • 2014
    MA Child Studies, Linköping University, Sweden
  • 2012
    MA Health Sociology, Linköping University Sweden
  • 2011
    BA (HONS), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • 2010
    BA, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


The masters programme in Child Studies:

  • Anthropological perspectives on children and childhood
  • Sociological perspectives on children and childhood


Jag handleder studenter inom the Masters programme on Child Studies och på lärarprogrammet.


Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse
The 9th European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) congress “Families through the lens of diversity”

The 9th European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) congress

Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse


Sociala medier

Linked-in profil: Sarah Mitchell

Ladda ner CV (pdf)

