
Sofie Storbjörk

Associate Professor, Head of Unit, Docent

In my scientific endeavour, I explore what imprint climate change concerns make in practical policy, planning and decision making. What limits and enables change towards agreed-upon goals and ambitions? How can implementation be accelerated?

The Achilles heels of climate policy implementation

Deciding on climate goals is but the start of approaching such key concerns in society. This is valid both for climate emission reductions and climate adaptation.

My research illustrates and problematises what imprint climate change concerns make in practical policy, planning and decision-making processes at different societal levels. What complicates and hinders enactment? How can change be enabled towards agreed-upon goals and ambitions? How can we ensure policy progression and accelerate implementation? In addition to my research activities I am, since 2018, part of the National Expert Council for Climate Adaptation, assigned by the Swedish Government to follow and evaluate national climate change adaptation and submit recommendations for future directions and priorities.

Early studies on governing climate adaptation 2004-2015

I have worked with studies of how, when, why and under what circumstances climate adaptation takes place as well as what factors drive or restricts adaptation since 2004. Early studies showed challenges concerning ability (will, commitment, mandate, expertise) to put climate adaptation at the local agenda, that adaptation was characterised by technical fix rather than the precautionary principle, the difficulty of settling reasonable and robust safety margins, the adaptation was event-driven with limited long-term continuity, lack of coordination vertically (national-regional-local) and horizontally (between sectors), where sectoral cultures, interest claims and internal turf battles proved challenging. Similarly, the studies showed how tensions and conflicts between e.g. waterfront development interests, conservation interests and adaptation needs created problems for practical climate adaptation.

When it comes to spatial planning as an arena for climate adaptation studies between 2010-2015 show that in local development planning decisions are often made on a case-by-case basis where positions on climate risks depend less on actual climate risks than on how politically and economically attractive an area is. Further, weak intersectoral interplay in the planning sector, where strategic comprehensive planning, local development planning and the granting of building-permits was handled by different political committees in a way that creates unfortunate glitches, lack of visibility and increasing the risk of poor decisions. Although the municipalities on the one hand call for strategic guidelines to allow more strategic considerations of climate risks – for example in attractive waterfront locations – it is also clear from the studies it also becomes clear that settling guidelines is but the start and their practical effectiveness fall back to how they are actually implemented in daily planning. As future protective measures are needed to secure existing urban areas at risk of flooding and erosion, planners see no use in preventing further waterfront development. Problems with enacting guidelines also relate to challenges of accessibility and esthetics where the new waterfront limits meet older city structures. This influences the practical negotiability of guidelines.

Urban climate transformations and public-private interplay 2013-2022

Between 2013-2022 the research projects have emphasised the importance of urban climate transitions. Climate change policy integration in strategic comprehensive planning and concrete development plans was studied in three Swedish municipalities highly engaged as frontrunners in interlinking adaptation and mitigation policy in the arena of spatial planning (CLIPP). Early on it was made clear that a key challenge for the municipalities was including private actors in local transition processes. Therefore, the interaction between private and public actors and particularly the role of property developers in urban development projects was put in focus. Initially singular case-studies were undertaken in Karlstad and (in the EXTRA project on urban transitions) in Norrköping. Since limitations of public-private interactions was strongly emphasised in interviews, a study was designed to pinpoint public-private collaborative vs regulative dialogues in six Swedish municipalities with more long-term experiences in seeking to climate-proof new urban districts. In the EXPECT-project, the role of urban experiments in triggering transitions in the field of multifunctional stormwater management, multifunctional urban coastal adaptation progress and waterfront architectural design in the form of floating houses was explored. Longitudinal urban transformation in Swedish and Norwegian frontrunner and follower municipalities was also empirically studied in the TRANSFORM-project.

Ongoing research: Climate adaptation in the existing urban built environment 2020-

My ongoing research projects directs its main attention to climate adaptation of the urban built environment. While climate adaptation planning and implementation is gradually increasing across the globe, there is a documented gap between what is done and what needs to be done. Accelerated adaptation is therefore required for our societies to meet the challenges imposed by climate change. Cities are both highly vulnerable and important arenas for mobilising climate action. For Swedish cities, climate-proofing the existing built environment has been identified as a key bottleneck. Therefore, my research explores property owner perspectives and the challenges involved in multifunctional adaptation in the existing built environment. This involves finding ways to navigate the current legal distribution of responsibilities, diverse land-ownership patterns and path-dependent urban structures and configurations.

In SAMBO - Support for Actor Collaboration and Multifunctional Adaptation of Residential Areas (Länsförsäkringar 2020-2024) my studies target how ten Swedish early adopter cities seek to proactively manage their climate risks in the urban built environment and find ways forward in practical implementation by means of targeted measures and opportunity-driven measures. The role of multifunctionality in policy and practice is also emphasised. I lead the research project “Making adaptation work: climate governance experiments unlocking inertia for accelerated climate-proofing of the urban built environment” (FORMAS 2024-2026) where attention is directed to how innovative governance experiments contribute to unlocking inertia related to public-private collaboration and co-funding mechanisms in the urban built environment. Case-studies allows us to analyse how governance experiments are set up and progressing in terms of process and output, determinants and how bottlenecks are reconfigured. We also identify policy-lessons in co-creation with policy-actors. Additional ongoing projects are “Where are we heading? Operationalisation, incentivising and follow-up in Swedish national climate adaptation Governance” (FORMAS 2024-2026), which focus on the design and progress of Swedish national adaptation policy mainstreaming. I also play a small role in the project “Towards more climate-robust socially important services: learning from cloudburst impacts on Swedish municipal welfare” (FORMAS 2024-2026 and ”FairWater: Collaborative and fair catchment-based water management - stress testing droughts and floods for resilient multifunctional use of water” (FORMAS 2023-2026).


Research projects

Past projects

The role of urban experiments in triggering climate transitions (EXPECT)

The cities of today need to find ways to meet the risks of climate change and to achieve more effective emission reductions. Achieving changes have, however, proved difficult in practice with subsequent calls for exploring new ways of enabling climate transitions. We will study the role of urban experiments in opening up for constructive and innovative pathways to managing climate change and how they can contribute to wider processes of climate transitions.

Contemporary cities need to find new pathways to enable necessary climate transitions allowing them both to meet the risks of climate change and to achieve more effective emission reductions. At the same time we know from previous studies that it has proven difficult to enact the structural changes necessary to break unsustainable patterns. There are increasing calls for research that critically examine new pathways to enable urban climate transitions.

In the EXPECT project we will study the role of urban experiments and their potential to open up for constructive and innovative ways to manage climate change and contribute to wider processes of urban transitions. We study experiments as critical sites of urban climate politics (rather than odd curiosities) enacting new paths and practices with the goal to innovate, learn and gain new experience. This is currently a hot topic in international research, where calls are made for research exploring the emergence, dynamics and consequences of urban experiments.

Our research questions concern:

  1. Envision: What visions of the future are embedded in the experiments with a focus on problem-definitions, descriptions of reality and action alternatives.
  2. Enact: How are the experiments initiated and enacted with a focus on drivers and barriers for change
  3. Embed/Expand: How can singular experiments be up-scaled with a focus on the transformative potential and learning from experimentation.

We do an inventory of urban experiments in Sweden, in the areas of adaptation and mobility, followed by in-depth analyses of qualitative data exploring

  1. Multifunctional stormwater management e.g. green roofs and water plazas,
  2. Waterfront architectural design e.g. floodable, amphibious and floating houses,
  3. Sustainable mobility e.g. micro-level initiatives for alternative mobility,
  4. Multifunctional waterfront protection e.g. artificial archipelagos.

Researchers in the project: Sofie Storbjörk, Therese Asplund, Mattias Hjerpe


Climate Change Policy Integration in Local Policy and Planning (CLIPP)

The projects targets climate transitions for emission-reductions and adaptation in local spatial planning. Spatial planning is identified as a key arena for a more coordinated and strategic approach to climate change, linking goals, ambitions and considerations.

The project focuses on policy synergies and conflicts, formal and informal institutional conditions that affect spatial planning from strategic comprehensive planning to concrete development plans when it comes to waterfront housing and sustainable transportation. The aim is to identify key drivers and measures that support more efficient climate transitions.

Research questions concern

  1. The linking of goals and visions in planning
  2. Drivers and barriers for change
  3. Integrating climate change in spatial planning practice
  4. How can more efficient transitions be supported. Case-studies are done in Karlstad, Sundsvall and Vellinge.

We also target the interaction between private and public actors in urban planning and the role of politics in facilitating transitions.

Researchers: Sofie Storbjörk, Mattias Hjerpe


To explore and visualize how cities are transitioning

Around the globe, local governments and municipal administrations are shouldering the challenges presented by climate change. This project explores different types of transformation and makes them more visible. As a source of inspiration, it will present good examples and best practices from cities that are forerunners in the urban transition.

Contemporary cities needs to transform in a more climate-proof, low-carbon and sustainable direction. The transition process encompasses issues from storm water management to buildings and public transport. A myriad of activities are taking place in cities in Sweden and the world. In Swedish cities, the significance of climate change is growing and they are increasingly working to mitigate and adapt their cities to climate change. However, the cities have shouldered the climate challenge in different extents and in different ways. This project explores different types of transformation and makes them more visible. As a source of inspiration, it will present good examples and best practices from cities that are forerunners in the urban transition. Different modes of leadership and command and control measures will be identified. Based on these and other characteristics of the cities’ activities and approach to climate change, different types of climate transition will be distinguished, each with its respective strengths and weaknesses.

Broad participation for deeper insight

The project is run in by researchers and municipal officers and politicians in collaboration. Urban planners, managers, politicians, citizens and property developers are engaged in different stages of our work. This is essential for developing an in-depth understanding of three bottlenecks currently facing Swedish cities: how climate transitions are lead and governed, enhancing public-private collaboration, and maintaining a dialogue between citizens and planners. The project work in organized in: experiments in the Norrköping Decision Arena, observing and supporting real planning and policy development processes in Swedish cities, as well as learning outlooks consisting of revisits to cities we have previously worked in and outlooks to cities in other parts of the world that are forerunners in the urban transition.

Inspirational tools as expected outcome

One expected outcome is a series of web-based tools and methods intended to inspire and facilitate the climate transition in cities and local governments that we have labelled the Urban Transition Showroom. The objective is to visualize cities’ climate transition and provide examples on alternative ways forward.

Sub-project 1: Leading and governing urban transitions

Researchers: Mattias Hjerpe, Sofie Storbjörk, Erik Glaas.
Contact: Mattias Hjerpe

There are many good examples on how cities govern climate change. This sub-project will collect and systematize the knowledge about these efforts, test and reflect upon different modes of leadership, such as visionary versus problem-solving or collaborative leadership, as well as different control measures, such as economic versus regulatory incentives. It will also examine how conditions for change evolve over time. Leadership is studied through a case study in Norrköping and tests in Norrköping Decision Arena focusing on the city’s work with guidelines for climate adaptation, storm water management and comprehensive planning. WE will also study leadership in other cities within and outside of Sweden.

Sub-project 2: Models for public-private collaboration

Researchers: Sofie Storbjörk, Mattias Hjerpe, Erik Glaas.
Contact: Sofie Storbjörk

Climate transitions require collaboration between private and public actors, not the least within the construction / building sector. In this project, collaboration between property developers and urban planners in the Inner Harbour (Inre Hamnen) area are observed. Comparisons with other models of public-private collaboration will also be done. One key research question is in what way this collaboration can be enhances in order to promote more climate-efficient solutions.

Sub-project 3: Maintaining a dialogue between citizens and planners

Researchers: Erik Glaas, Tina Neset.
Contact: Erik Glaas

In the urban planning process, citizens have a right to be informed about and to submit proposals regarding new development plans. We neither know in what way citizens’ suggestions most efficiently are taken care nor how to provide feedback to citizens. In this project, methods for maintaining an effective dialogue between citizens, planners and politician are developed and tested based on an interactive planning platform already in operation. The objective is to be able to utilize the citizens’ comments and visions about an attractive, well-working, sustainable and livable city in the urban planning process.

Norrköping Decision Arena.

Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, CSPR

CSPR is a platform for knowledge production to trigger and promote societal changes towards safe and just climate futures for all. Our goal is to create knowledge and methodological approaches that can support and advance climate actions.



Mattias Hjerpe, Erik Glaas, Sofie Storbjörk (2025) The Patronization of Pluvial Flood Risk and Adaptation Among Tenant-Owned Housing Associations in Sweden Buildings, Vol. 15, Article 300 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Sofie Storbjörk, Mattias Hjerpe, Erik Glaas (2024) The necessity of pragmatic muddling. Ten Swedish early adopter cities navigating climate adaptation policy-implementation in the urban built environment Environmental Science and Policy, Vol. 160, Article 103842 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Erik Glaas, Mattias Hjerpe, Sofie Storbjörk (2024) The 2021 extreme rainfall in Gävle, Sweden: impacts on municipal welfare services and actions towards more resilient premises and operations Hydrology Research, Vol. 55, p. 431-443 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Anna Malmquist, Mattias Hjerpe, Erik Glaas, Tora Lundgren, Per Gyberg, Sofie Storbjörk (2023) Jag drabbas - det här får kommunen lösa: En intervjustudie med svenska villaägare som påverkats av översvämningar från skyfall Sociologisk forskning, Vol. 3-4, p. 275-298 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Sofie Storbjörk, Mattias Hjerpe (2022) Stuck in experimentation: exploring practical experiences and challenges of using floating housing to climate-proof waterfront urban development in Sweden Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, Vol. 37, p. 2263-2284 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI



Academic Degree

Environmental Change, Linköping University

Associate professor 
Environmental Change, Linköping University

Doctoral degree

Research platforms

ResearchGate/sofie storbjörk 

