
Vladimir Tkatjev

Senior Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Minimal submanifolds, surfaces of prescribed mean curvature
  • Nonassociative algebras, PDE's and cubic minimal cones
  • Entire solutions of quasilinear elliptic type PDE's
  • Quadrature domains, harmonic moments, lemniscates

Link to my profile at ResearchGate


Academic degrees


  • 2008-2010: Master of Education (Lärarexamen, 180hp), Stockholm University
  • 1987-1990: PhD studies, Sobolev Institution of Mathematics (Novosibirsk) and Volgograd State University, advisor: Vladimir M. Miklyukov
  • 1980-1985: Specialist degree in Mathematics s (M.Sc. equivalent), Diploma cum laude, Volgograd State University 
    Advisor: Vladimir M. Miklyukov

Editorial boards


  • 2000, Award of the President of the Russian Federation (President Grant for young Doctors of Sciences)
  • 1997, Honor Soros Docent, “In recognition and appreciation of outstanding contributions to world science and science education”
  • 1995, Grand-Prix of Municipal Educational Program, Volgograd
  • 1995, Award of winner of competition of the International Soros Science Education Program (ISSEP) in specialty Mathematics
  • 1985, Gold medal from Volgograd State University, a distinction given to students with only maximal grades
  • 1984, A winner of All-Russian Mathematical Olympiad for students, Sverdlovsk



  • 2002-2004, Geometry of quasilinear partial differential equations, Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research #03-01-00304
  • 2000-2002, Surfaces of zero mean curvature, Grant of the President of Russian Federation #00-15-99274
  • 1997-1998, Global geometry of minimal tubes and conformal invariants, Grant of the Ministry of Higher Education #97-0-1.3-114
  • 1995-1996, Starlike minimal surfaces, Grant of the Ministry of Higher Education, #95-0-1.9-34
  • 1994 , travel grant of Swiss National Science Foundation
  • 1994-1995, Minimal surfaces of parabolic conformal type, Grant of the Soros Initiative in Fundamental Sciences


  • 2007-2010, Harmonic and complex analysis and their applications, ESF network HCAA
  • 2008-2009, Potential theory and mathematical physics, Vetenskapsrådet #2007-6224, Sweden
  • 2005-2007, The exponential transform and other topics in potential theory, Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences (KVA)
  • 1995-1997, Quasilinear PDEs of elliptic type, Grant INTAS#10170
  • 1993-1994, Geometry in large of zero-mean surfaces in Minkowski space, Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research #93-011-176




Vladimir Tkachev (2024) Inner isotopes associated with automorphisms of commutative associative algebras Communications in Mathematics, Vol. 32, p. 153-184 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Vladimir Kozlov, Sonja Radosavljevic, Vladimir Tkachev, Uno Wennergren (2021) Global stability of an age-structured population model on several temporally variable patches Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 83, Article 68 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jonathan Andersson, Samia Ghersheen, Vladimir Kozlov, Vladimir Tkachev, Uno Wennergren (2021) Effect of density dependence on coinfection dynamics: part 2 Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 11, Article 169 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jonathan Andersson, Samia Ghersheen, Vladimir Kozlov, Vladimir Tkachev, Uno Wennergren (2021) Effect of density dependence on coinfection dynamics Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 11, Article 166 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Vladimir Tkachev (2021) The universality of one half in commutative nonassociative algebras with identities Journal of Algebra, Vol. 569, p. 466-510 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Vladimir Tkatjev (2020) SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF NONASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRAS AND BREAKING REGULARITY FOR NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC TYPE PDEs St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, Vol. 31, p. 223-240 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Vladimir Tkachev (2020) New explicit solutions to the p-Laplace equation based on isoparametric foliations Differential geometry and its applications (Print), Vol. 70, Article 101629 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Yakov Krasnov, Vladimir Tkachev (2019) Varieties of idempotents in nonassociative algebras Topics in Clifford Analysis, p. 80-112 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Samia Ghersheen, Vladimir Kozlov, Vladimir Tkachev, Uno Wennergren (2019) Mathematical analysis of complex SIR model with coinfection and density dependence Computational and Mathematical Methods, Vol. 1 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Samia Ghersheen, Vladimir Kozlov, Vladimir Tkachev, Uno Wennergren (2019) Dynamical behaviour of SIR model with coinfection: The case of finite carrying capacity Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, Vol. 42, p. 5805-5826 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
