
Wisdom Kanda

Senior Associate Professor, Head of Unit

My research deals with stimulating the development and diffusion of environmental innovations. I investigate this subject from three complementary perspectives –government support, business models and intermediaries.

Stimulating the development and diffusion of environmental innovations

As a researcher at Linköping University, division of Environmental Technology and Management, I am engaged in research, education and collaboration with industry.

My research is about stimulating the development and international diffusion of environmental innovations from companies. I undertake this research from three complementary perspectives which give me both a broad and deep insight into the subject. These three perspectives are:
  • government support for the export of environmental technologies, 
  • business models for the diffusion of environmental technologies,
  • the roles of intermediaries in the development of environmental innovations.

Government support for the export of environmental technologies

I analyse governmental initiatives from different countries across the world aimed at promoting the export of environmental technologies from their respective countries but more importantly I try to highlight those governmental initiatives which have potential implications for environmental sustainability.

Business models for the diffusion of environmental technology

Furthermore, using empirical cases, literature on business models and discussions with industry experts, I synthesis key factors to consider in the diffusion of large-scaled environmental technology systems such as district heating supply, waste management, and renewable energy systems.

The roles of intermediaries in the development of environmental innovations

My research deals with intermediaries who support firms in the development and diffusion of environmental technologies. Examples of these third party organisations include business development organisations, clusters, universities, incubators and international city networks. In particular, I investigate how these third party organisations can better support firms in the eco-innovation process. In these complementary streams of research, I use different theoretical schools such as the diffusion of innovations, market and systemic failures, comparative public policy theories, business modelling and Technological Innovation Systems.

Through my research activities, I collaborate with researchers in several universities such Oldenburg, Germany; Aalto, Finland, University of Botswana and also industry practitioners such as utility companies, municipalities, environmental technology firms and clusters. 


I also involved in teaching international students in courses dealing with large technical systems and environment and also management systems for sustainability.



Raphael Aryee, Wisdom Kanda (2024) A strategic framework for analysing the effects of circular economy practices on firm performance Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 476, Article 143753 (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Hanna Zanatta, Wisdom Kanda, Karin Tonderski (2024) Biogas production in Brazil: Barriers and strategies for overcoming them
Roozbeh Feiz, Wisdom Kanda (2024) Nordic biogas model in international contexts: Early-stage decision support for adaptation Waste Management & Research, Vol. 42, p. 882-888 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Abdollah Mohammadparast Tabas, Mohsin Abdur Rehman, Christina Theodoraki, Hanna Komulainen, Wisdom Kanda (2024) Circular entrepreneurial ecosystem: a hybrid review and research agenda International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Magnus Klofsten, Wisdom Kanda, Dzamila Bienkowska, Nancy Bocken, Sarfraz Mian, Wadid Lamine (2024) Start-ups within entrepreneurial ecosystems: Transition towards circular economy International Small Business Journal (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Ongoing research projects

Wisdom Kanda tells more about the project 

Are you a start-up or business development organization thinking about circular business models? We want to collaborate with you! This project will develop knowledge on how to support start-ups developing circular business models.

Do not hesitate to get in touch!

Systems and Ecosystems in the Circular Economy: What's the Difference?

Want to know the story behind the article? Kanda, W. (2023). Systems and Ecosystems in the Circular Economy: What’s the Difference?. Circular Economy, 1(3), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.55845/RMDN3752

Watch this 2 min video

Challenges of circular new ventures: An empirical analysis of 70 cases

Kanda et al., (2024). Challenges of circular new ventures: An empirical analysis of 70 cases. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141103. Watch this 1 min video.

Research group

