Environmental Technology and Management (MILJÖ)

Division of Environmental Technology is a research and education environment. Our focus is on how environmental problems lead to changes in products, services , technical systems and organisations and how it affects the environment.




The Division for Environmental Technology and Management is an interdisciplinary research group with thirty years experience of turning environmental problems into opportunities. Our main focus is the transformation of organisations, technical systems and products and services towards a resource efficient society. Today the division is a research and education environment with international reputation and with 25 employees and 900 students.

The division Environmental Technology and Management  is divided into four units:

  • Unit for Sustainable Development and Strategies
  • Unit for Industrial and Urban Symbiosis
  • Unit for Products Services Innovation
  • Unit for Sustainable Materials Management


Research groups

Research projects

A hand is holding a glass bubble

Digital sharing platform in Swedish municipalities

The ongoing digitalization changes how people live their lives, in their homes and in society. Changes do not only regard how we adopt new technologies, like digital sharing platforms.

Biogas fueled car at the fueling station.

Biogas Solutions Research Center

BSRC is a national competence center for biogas research administered by the LiU. It's base for the development of innovative and resource-efficient biogas solutions often with positive local and regional effects on the environment and the economy.

Collage with images of the sun, soil. tomatoes, algae, water and plastic bottles

Resource productivity and sustainable business growth

Globally, natural and economic systems face growing challenges, all linked to ever increasing primary, and mostly fossil, resource use and pollutant emissions.


New and old oil filter.

Making remanufacturing profitable

Returning end-of-life products to as-new condition is called remanufacturing. For more industrial companies to take an interest in it, remanufacturing needs to be economically viable. Johan Vogt Duberg has investigated how this can be accomplished.

Professor Mattias Lindahl is contributing to a global ISO standard

There are hundreds of definitions of circular economy in the world, which leads to confusion. A new ISO standard with a definition widely accepted and disseminated will remedy the situation.

Two female student, dissasembling an Ikea product.

Students disassemble Ikea products

This is part of a research project in which LiU students get to collaborate with the Swedish furniture giant. The students document possibility of repairing, replacing and reusing.


Head of Division

Director of Studies

General Information and Contact for Students

General Information and Contact for Students

Head of the unit for Sustainable Development and Strategies

Head of the unit for Industrial and Urban Symbiosis

Head of the unit for Product Service Innovation

Head of the unit for Sustainable Materials Management


Affiliated researchers

Visiting Adress

A Building, entrance 17-19, Campus Valla, Linköping, Sweden

Postal Adress

Linköping University

Department of Management and Engineering
Environmental Technology and Management
581 83 Linköping
