This one-week summer school gives a comprehensive overview of the emerging concepts in transport science with perspectives from science, policy and industry. This summer school for PhD students will be held at Linköping University, Campus Norrköping, in Norrköping during August 2024.


Old industrial bildnings with water in the foreground
Transport is an extensive topic both in scope in itself and in the bandwidth it is given in the sustainability, climate neutrality and innovation discussions around the world. While the trajectory of doctoral studies is centered around very focused topical areas, it often lacks this breadth and big-picture take of the various areas in transport. Many of the concepts, both traditional and emerging (e.g. electromobility, app-based transport solutions, automation), supplement and complement each other in research ideas and methodological approaches. The challenges and (new mobility) solutions also vary in the way it is viewed and approached in science and practice.

With that in mind, the aim of the summer school is to give a comprehensive overview of the various areas in transport, with a specific take on the emerging concepts around different transport sectors (e.g. rail, logistics, public transport, automation and active mobility) and on the development and application of methodology and tools. We also want to offer a platform to get knowledge on how industry and policy tackle transport problems, what tools they use, and how academia can link to them.

The setup will take one view from the academia paired with one from the industry around the same subject area. Experts from the industry and public policy will be invited to present transport challenges and initiate discussions with the students to find pragmatic solutions. There will be networking opportunities and a study visit built around transport and logistics themes as well.

The summer school is organized within the TRENoP framework. Transport Research Environment with Novel Perspectives (TRENoP) framework is a national strategic research areas including KTH, LiU and VTI. TRENoP has the vision to contribute to the transformation of today's transportation system into a greener, smarter and safer system through the integration of policy and technology with a system perspective.

University credits for summer school

On successful completion of the summer school a course credit of 3 ECTS will be awarded. 

Who can apply?

Any doctoral candidate (including licentiate) in the broad area of transportation enrolled as a PhD student can apply for the summer school. Priority will be given based on relevance to your PhD topic and to students from the Nordic countries.


Date: 19 August - 23 August, 2024.


The course covers public, private and commercial transports. The public transport parts covers many of the current modes as well as emerging ones. The private transport parts includes cars as well as active modes like bicycles. The commercial transports parts has a focus on the challenges and emerging concepts within transit logistics and how these logistics flows impact cities with strong logistics environments.

Schedule for summer school 2024

Course Fee

3000 SEK (payable after acceptance by 30 June 2024). The course fee covers coffee break snacks, lunches and one conference dinner.


Deadline: 15 May 2024. Admission will be confirmed by June 30.

For the application use the following form:

Organizing Committee

Clas Rydergren, LiU
Mats Janné, LiU
Fariya Sharmeen, KTH
Malte Rothhämel, KTH
Michele Simoni, KTH
Erik Jenelius, KTH
Chengxi Liu, VTI

For further information, contact: