Photo of Clas Rydergren

Clas Rydergren

Professor, Head of Unit


Clas Rydergren is professor in Traffic Informatics at Linköping University and specialize in transport modelling and analysis.

His research interests include passenger transport demand modelling, transport data analytics and transport flow modelling. He leads the Traffic Modelling and Simulation research group that conducts high-quality research and works with industry partners on various aspects of the transport system.
He teaches courses on quantitative analysis, transport demand modelling, optimization and systems analysis for civil engineering students in the field of transport and transport infrastructure. He coordinates the master program profile Traffic Analysis which provides a comprehensive education for students who want to learn transport modelling and apply their skills in real-world transport problems.  He is also a member of the program board for Industrial Economics and Logistics (IL) and the chairman of the program planning group, which works for ensuring  the quality and relevance of the undergraduate education programs in Norrköping in the area of transport and logistics.



Anna Danielsson, David Gundlegård, Clas Rydergren (2024) Analysis of Route Sets and Attributes in Route Choice Estimation for Urban Traffic Management Using GPS Data Proceedings of the 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting


Ivan Postigo, Clas Rydergren, Johan Olstam (2023) Modeling Perception Performance in Microscopic Simulation of Traffic Flows including Automated Vehicles 2023 IEEE 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, ITSC, p. 2555-2560 Continue to DOI
Anna Danielsson, David Gundlegård, Clas Rydergren, Nikolaos Tsanakas (2023) Transition towards more efficient road transports: insights from mobility analytics Handbook on Climate Change and Technology, p. 180-195
Nikolaos Tsanakas, David Gundlegård, Clas Rydergren (2023) O-D matrix estimation based on data-driven network assignment Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, Vol. 11, p. 376-407 Continue to DOI
Haneen Farah, Ivan Postigo, Nagarjun Reddy, Yongqi Dong, Clas Rydergren, Narayana Raju, Johan Olstam (2023) Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to Consider and State of the Practice IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print), Vol. 24, p. 6558-6574 Continue to DOI

