The Appointments Board prepares and submits proposals for decisions on appointments as Professor and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of LiU.

On behalf of the Faculty Board, The Appointments Board prepares and submits proposals for decisions on

  • positions as Professor, Senior Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Adjunct and visiting teachers
  • applications for promotion
  • announcements for positions as lecturer

The Appointments Board also prepares and decides on admissions as Docent.

The Appointments Board has a delegation from the Board of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Our work is regulated by special guidelines for the entire appointment process; from the Department's drafting of the job profile to the Vice-Chancellor's decision on appointment, including appeals.

2024 Appointments Board meeting dates

16 January
27 February
27 March
18 April
21 May
18 June
22 August
26 September
24 October
28 November
12 December


Board members 2021-Jan 2024

The Appointments Board has five members. The Faculty Board appoints four members and three deputies, while a member and a deputy are appointed by the student union LinTek. The Dean usually acts as chairman of the Appointments Board. A union representative is allowed to attend and speak at the Board's deliberations. The Head of Department is invited to the Board's processing of recruitments related to his/her department.

In cases involving employment of teachers whose main duties are in the field of educational sciences, one to three members are co-opted with personal deputies appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

Members Representing
Johan Ölvander, Dean, Chairman
Karin Enander, Deputy Chairman LiU
Jana Björn, Professor
Mark Vesterbacka, Professor
Marie Halling, LinTek

Jonas Löwgren, Professor
Maria Huge-Brodin, Professor LiU
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Professor
Sasan Keshmiri, LinTek

Union representative: Torbjörn Larsson, Professor


Adjunct members and deputies from the Faculty of Educational Sciences

Members Deputies
Håkan Löfgren, Tema
Ann-Kari Sundberg, IKOS
Ann-Sofi Wedin, IBL Lotta Holme, IBL
Linnéa Stenliden, IBL Maritha Johansson, IKOS



Malin Bergenhök
Christina Hammarstedt
Sara Sethson

Docent applications

Faculty of Science and Engineering