The courses are divided into compulsory or optional third-cycle courses. In addition to the courses advertised here, there are also a range of courses given within the framework of graduate schools or financed by Faculty Departments.
According to current regulations a doctoral degree requires 30 credits and a licentiate degree 18 credits. 

Compulsory courses

The following courses are compulsory for PhD students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Linköping University. They are given every semester.

Semester overview

Plan your courses with the help of the semester overview

General information

Prerequisites and admission

Basic eligibility for courses at postgraduate level is available to those who have:

  • Second-cycle degree
  • 240 credits in required courses, including at least 60 second-cycle credits
  • or acquisition of equivalent knowledge in some other manner

Recommended priority order for admission to third cycle courses at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences:

  • PhD students registered at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences or PhD students strongly connected to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences registered at other faculties within Linköping University
  • PhD students registered at other faculties within Linköping University
  • PhD students registered at other universities
  • Participation of other students than above is only possible if there are fewer applicants from the above groups than students to be admitted.

Teaching and working methods

Within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, student-centred and problem-based learning forms the basis of teaching.

The student takes personal responsibility for learning through an active and processing approach to the learning tasks.

The teacher's role is to support students in this way of working.

Grading scale

Pass or Fail

This information generally applies to all postgraduate courses at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. If any course has different requirements, it appears in the information regarding the respective course, as well as in the respective syllabus.

Our courses