About two-step verification

Two-step verification increase the security of your account and reduce the risk of strangers logging into it. Two-step verification adds an extra layer of security confirming that it really is you trying to log in to your LiU account when you're off campus. You can also deny login attempts that you do not recognise.

Manual for getting started

Get started and add two-step verification to your account by following the two-step verification manual.

Important when you have two-step verification

Verification off-campus

When you have activated two-step verification and you are off-campus and attempt to log in to our IT services, you will be required to confirm your identity with the aid of the Microsoft Authenticator app in your mobile phone.

You will be informed during the log in procedure when you need to confirm your identity. Make sure that notifications are enabled in the verification app, in order to allow it to inform you that you must confirm your identity.

On campus, you can always access LiU resources without two-step verification if you use the Eduroam network.

Prevent attempted unauthorised access

If you receive a verification request when you are not yourself in the process of logging in: deny the log in. It may be someone else who is trying to use your account, which you can now prevent using the two-step verification process.

If you choose to deny the log in, you are then asked whether you want to report this event as attempted fraud. If you answer yes, a case is sent to the LiU incident response team.

Reset two-step verification

Having problems with two-step verification or have a new device you want to use to verify yourself? You can reset the two-step verification using a Swedish BankID and set it up again. If you do not have a Swedish BankID, students contact the Info Centre for assistance. 

Visit this page to reset with bank-id: reset.tsv.liu.se