Contact information is available here if you need IT-related help at LiU and don't have access to LiU's internal pages.

IT Helpdesk
013-28 28 28

Regular opening hours

  • Monday and Thursday 08.00–18.00.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 08.00–17.00. 

Opening hours summer

Week 26-32 (24 June to 9 August): weekdays 9.00-15.00 .


Link to the tool TeamViewer. Use it to share your screen when talking to the IT Helpdesk on the phone.

Service desks (for LiU co-workers only) 

Opening hours during summer

  • Campus Valla and University Hospital Campus: open according to regular opening hours.
  • Campus Norrköping deviates 8 July-26 July (week 28-30): open weekdays 9.00-11.00.

Regular drop-in opening hours 

Campus Valla

  • B Building (Entrance 27, ground floor)
    Weekdays 9.00–11.00 and 13.00–15.00.

Campus Norrköping

  • Kåkenhus (Building ett, Level 3)
    Weekdays 9.00–11.00 and 13.00–15.00.

University Hospital Campus

  • Building 006 (Entrance 54, Level 11).
    Weekdays vardagar 10.00–12.00 and 13.00–15.00.


  • Campus Valla, A Building (Entrance 17, ground floor). IT technician on site, service and opening hours according to agreement with IEI. 

Internal pages with more information

The information above is in short the most necessary contact information - on our intranet Liunet there is more information available.

For co-workers

These resources on Liunet for co-workers require log in with LiU-ID (accessible to co-workers only):

IT support

Local IT support and service desks

For students

These resources on Liunet for students require log in with LiU-ID:

Support and contact - Info Centre and IT Helpdesk

IT resources


Service web