AI Education


Over 100 courses in AI

There are over 100 university courses related to AI. These courses can be taken on programmes such as:

  • Master’s Programme in Statistics and Machine Learning
  • Bachelor’s Programme in Cognitive Science
  • Master’s Programme in Cognitive Science

Many other Master’s degree programs contain elements of AI. You can choose to participate in AI courses on all our Master’s degree programmes. There are also freestanding courses for all interested.

AI Academy is an initiative that seeks to challenge talented students from a wide variety of programmes with exciting real-world AI problems. Read more in the menu above under AI Academy.

AI courses

AI for natural language, 3 credits

Course contentWriting computer programs that understand and produce human language is a central goal of artificial intelligence. This course aims to provide an understanding of how far we are from this goal: what is and what is not possible today.

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, 7.5 credits

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere and in many different forms, intelligent assistance in mobile phones and self-driving vehicles being some examples. An increased reliance on advanced AI systems for vital societal functions gives rise to...

Scientific Visualization, 6 credits

The goal for this course is to provide the student with deep insights into methods for visualization of scientific data from experiments and simulations. The applicability of the various methods is shown through practical programming exercises....

AI courses in programmes

Advanced Data Mining
Advanced Machine Learning
AI Robotics
Applied Topology, TDA
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence for Interactive Media
Automated Planning
Autonomous Vehicles - Planning, Control, and Learning Systems
Bayesian Learning
Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Big Data: Social Processes and Ethical Issues
Cognitive Technology and Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive Science Introductory Course
Complex networks and big data
Computational Statistics
Computer Vision
Data Analytics for Smart Cities
Data Mining - Clustering and Association Analysis
Decision Theory
Deep Learning
eHealth: Aims and Applications
eHealth: Digital Applications on Promoting Health and Preventing Disease
Engineering and Cognitive Psychology
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Autonomous Systems
Image Processing and Analysis
Information Technology Law
Intelligent Virtual Agents and Social Robots
Internet of Things
Language Technology
Language Technology
Logic Programming
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Machine Learning for Computer Vision
Machine Learning for Social Media
Matrix Methods for AI
Modelling and Learning for Dynamical Systems
Multiple Regression and Time Series Analysis
Multiple Regression and Time Series Analysis
Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Neural Networks and Learning System
Organisational Development and Digitalization
Planning for a Sustainable Information Society
Probability Theory and Bayesian Networks
Quantitative Models and Analysis in Operations Management
Scientific Visualization
Smart Cities
Sports Analytics
Statistical Modelling with Regression Methods
Text Mining
The Digitization of Society

Fredrik Heintz

Learn the fundamentals of AI with Fredrik Heintz

The online course Elements of AI is intended both for those who want to learn more about what AI is and for those who want to take the first steps towards working with AI. Examiner for the course is Fredrik Heintz, a global leader in AI research.

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