An international research study on interprofessional health professions education, ALLin4IPE

A group of people having a conversation
Emma Busk Winquist


The global discourse on future health care emphasises that learning to collaborate across professions is crucial to assure patient safety and meet the changing demands of health care.

Therefore, it is important that students in health care professional education (HPE) already during their education learn how to work and collaborate in teams. The research on interprofessional education (IPE) is diverse but with gaps in curricula design and how IPE is enacted in practice.

This research project involves partners from four countries (UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, University of Wollongong, Australia, University of Otago, New Zealand and Linköpings university, Sweden) and will be undertaken between 2023 and 2026.

The purpose is to identify how IPE emerges and evolves when embedded in clinical practice placements. The study is designed as a collaborative multiple-case ethnographic study. It will involve different sites of health care clinical practice in the four countries. The multiple case study ethnographic research design will be used in combination with Kemmis’ theory of practice architectures (TPA). This approach will make it possible to identify similarities and differences across the four countries and different sites of IPE.

The research project is funded by the Swedish Research Council (Educational Sciences).
A picture of shoes
Interprofessional shoes.

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