Register for BMU@LiU 2025

Welcome to BME@LiU 2025, the 6th Annual Biomedical Engineering Conference. This event highlights research in biomedical engineering and welcomes researchers, organisations, students and clinicians.

Register now

Join us for engaging presentations and connect with others in our Research and Innovation Arena.

In this registration form, you can:

  • register to attend the event
  • submit an abstract for presentations (oral or poster) from our open call
  • reserve a table/booth at our Research and Innovation Arena.

The conference offers free admission to all participants. Please note that no registration is needed to only visit the Research and Innovation Arena.

Questions? Please contact us at


  • Last day to register for the event: 14 May
  • Last day to register for the Research and Innovation Arena: 14 May
  • Last day to submit abstracts and presentations: 30 April

Photography and documentation

We will be taking photographs and filming during the conference to communicate about BME@LiU and the activities at the Department of Biomedical Engineering. If you do not wish to be photographed, please contact us at or contact the photographer during the conference.

Open call for presentations and posters

Through the exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge, all participants contribute to BME@LiU 2025. Participants are encouraged to share their work through presentations or poster presentations, fostering collective learning and growth.

We welcome presentations focused on clinical translation and initiatives to develop new technologies and methods within basic science and clinical utilization at LiU. All participants have the opportunity to submit presentations or posters. You can deliver either an individual or a collaborative (joint) research presentation. For more details on the structure and differences between them, please refer to the FAQ below. The presentations are given in parallel sessions, held simultaneously in different rooms.

Click here to submit an abstract for your presentation

Morning sessions

In the morning, we will host parallel sessions on clinical translation, covering topics in:

  • Novel Instrumentation and Biomaterials (anything that interacts with biological media: influences, mimics, or measures)
  • Data Analysis (modelling, AI, imaging. etc.)
  • eHealth and Clinical Implementation (app development, decision support systems, health economy, etc)

Afternoon sessions

In the afternoon, we will focus on initiatives to develop new technologies and methods within basic science and clinical utilization at LiU, with sessions on:

  • Life Science Technologies (LSX) (presentations related to the interdisciplinary goals and starting projects of this new initiative)
  • Medical Imaging and Visualization Science (clinically close projects and presentations from CMIV and other related initiatives)

Submitting more than one presentation type?

If you would like to submit more than one presentation type (e.g. individual presentation and Research & Innovation Arena), please submit one of them here and contact us at We will help you register the second one over email.


What is the difference between individual and collaborative (joint) research presentations?

Oral presentations are structured in two distinct formats:

Individual research presentations

Short research presentations (approximately 10-15 minutes), delivered by a single speaker, for a broad audience. This format is geared toward highlighting new ideas, discoveries, innovations, and methods.

Collaborative (joint) research presentations

These are slightly longer format talks (approximately 20-30 minutes) that provide two “perspectives” and/or contributions on addressing a research challenge. These will have two speakers from different disciplines (e.g. Basic Science + BME, BME + Clinical research, Academia + Industry). This format is geared toward highlighting collaborative, multidisciplinary efforts.

Who can submit a poster presentation?

All are welcome to submit poster presentations. These can be research group overviews or individual research projects.

Students at all levels (PhD, Master's, Bachelor's) are particularly encouraged to submit posters on their projects even if results are not complete yet. This is intended as a forum to present ideas and receive feedback on your respective projects. High school students (“gymnasieelever”) are also welcome to present their work and interact with the participants.

I wish to present a poster. What are the requirements in terms of dimension and orientation? 

Detailed instructions will be sent out to the presenters a few weeks before the conference. There are no size requirements, but we ask that they are no wider than 84 cm (i.e. A0, portrait). Both landscape or horizontal format would do.

What is the Research and Innovation Arena?

Companies, research centers, initiatives, and forums are welcome to reserve tables distributed throughout the Research and Innovation Arena (LjusgÄrden), for free. Here, you can showcase and share what resources, technologies, and opportunities you have to offer the greater LiU community. This arena will be open all day, seeing its highest interactions during lunch and morning/afternoon fikas.

Arena participants are welcome to attend all presentation sessions, as well. Additional resources (electrical outlets, cords, etc.) may be available on a first-come, first serve basis. Contact if you have any questions or specific requests.