Centre for Applied Management for small and medium-sized enterprises (CAM)

A little plant growing from soil

CAM – Centre for Applied Management for small and medium-sized enterprises, at the division of Industrial Management, Linköping University. We focus on research on small and medium-sized companies (SME). CAM is one of the leading research centres focusing on SMEs.

In our research we cooperate with many different types of companies in many different industries developing insights and frameworks around sustainable growth and business development. Key concepts for us are value propositions, business models, sustainability, digitalization and market strategies.

Our vision is to create knowledge on sustainable growth and enable the continuous development of SMEs.


Postal adress

Linköpings universitet
Institutionen för industriell och ekonomisk utveckling (IEI)
581 83 Linköping

Visiting address

CAMmaren (rum 2A:950)
Institutionen för industriell och ekonomisk utveckling (IEI)
A-huset, ingång 13-15, Korridor A
Campus Valla, infart 1, Hans Meijers väg, Linköping