
Selected publications

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Saad Nagi, Andrew G. Marshall, Adarsh Makdani, Ewa Jarocka, Jaquette Liljencrantz, Mikael Ridderstrom, Sumaiya Shaikh, Francis ONeill, Dimah Saade, Sandra Donkervoort, A. Reghan Foley, Jan Minde, Mats Trulsson, Jonathan Cole, Carsten G. Bonnemann, Alexander T. Chesler, M. Catherine Bushnell, Francis McGlone, Håkan Olausson (2019)

Science Advances , Vol.5 Continue to DOI

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Rebecca Böhme, Steven Hauser, Gregory J. Gerling, Markus Heilig, Håkan Olausson (2019)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , Vol.116 , s.2290-2299 Continue to DOI

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Michal Pietrzak, Adam Yngve, Paul J. Hamilton, Anna Asratian, Emelie Gauffin, Andreas Löfberg, Sarah Gustavson, Emil Persson, Andrea Johansson Capusan, Lorenzo Leggio, Irene Perini, Gustav Tinghög, Markus Heilig, Rebecca Böhme (2024) Ghrelin decreases sensitivity to negative feedback and increases prediction-error related caudate activity in humans, a randomized controlled trial Neuropsychopharmacology, Vol. 49, p. 1042-1049 Continue to DOI
Kevin Ng, Odai Waleed Mohammad Lafee, Otmane Bouchatta, Adarsh D. Makdani, Andrew G. Marshall, Håkan Olausson, Sarah Mcintyre, Saad Nagi (2024) Human Foot Outperforms the Hand in Mechanical Pain Discrimination eNeuro, Vol. 11, Article 0412232024 Continue to DOI
Adam Enmalm, Rebecca Böhme (2024) Body Perception and Social Touch Preferences in Times of Grief Journal of loss & trauma Continue to DOI