A new generation of decision support for climate change adaptation in Swedish agriculture and forestry

 Irrigation and drainage of arable land.
Irrigation and drainage systems are techniques that are expected to become important climate change adaptation measures. Photographer: Lotten Wirehn

Previous research and experience have shown that there is a need to make information about climate change more customized to users and their specific context and needs. This project aims to contribute to the development of tailored climate indicators for stakeholders in the Swedish agricultural and forestry sector, to create useful support for the work with climate adaptation.

Climate adaptation is necessary in order to reduce sensitivity and to increase the capacity to handle the expected changing climate and their effects. For Swedish agriculture and forestry, climate change can create new opportunities but also difficult challenges due to, for example, extreme weather events, milder winters, too dry or wet conditions. Information on the character of changing climate conditions can be presented through so-called climate indicators. Scientific research needs to analyze and respond to the request for tailored climate information, which could support effective adaptation strategies.

This project consists of four sub-projects that will

  • synthesize research on climate indicators
  • analyze user perspectives on available climate indicators and the need for new indicators
  • contribute to the development of new climate indicators in a knowledge co-creation process, and lastly
  • contribute to the advancement of a climate service framework for Sweden.

This project is funded by the research council Formas and is led by Linköping University. The project is a collaboration with SMHI.


Recorded lecture

Agricultural vulnerability to climate change

Climate change is not in the future – it is happening already. Lotten Wiréhn‘s 15-minute presentation provides an insight into how food production is impacted by a warmer climate and more frequently occurring extreme weather. Her research area is how climate information can be made more useful in underpinning decisions on adaptations in agriculture. (The video is in Swedish, but it has English subtitles.)

Research Centre
