Organic electronics researchers at LOE, Linköping University. Photo:Thor Balkhed
Open positions
We will announce positions in the future, so keep your eyes open. You can also follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn, where we regularly update job postings.
PhD in Materials Science
We are hiring a PhD student to work on flexible x-ray detectors based on novel high-Z covalent organic framework materials in a joint project comprising four research groups from three different universities. The position is in the Surface Physics and Chemistry group at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics.
Flexible X-ray detectors represent a future technology that can benefit applications spanning several scientific, medical, and technological fields. Our joint project funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation aims to realize flexible X-ray detectors by developing new high-Z covalent organic framework (COF) materials that can fulfil the critical requirements on flexibility, X-ray absorption, and charge transport simultaneously. You will assist COF development through advanced characterization techniques carried out in house and at synchrotron/spallation sources, develop and refine COF film processing, engineer device interfaces to limit charge-trapping defects and carry out device design and fabrication. Read more: PhD in Materials Science. Application deadline: April 22, 2025.
Postdoc in Evolvable soft neural electrodes
We are hiring a postdoc to work on novel evolvable soft electrodes for neural interface applications. The position is in the Soft Electronics group, Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Department of Science and Technology, Campus Norrköping.
The Soft Electronics group is an international team led by Professor Klas Tybrandt and is part of the Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE). We develop composite materials, design concepts and devices for soft and deformable electronic systems. Areas of special interest are bioelectronics and neural interfaces, stretchable (semi)conductors, energy harvesting/storage, and actuators. Many of our projects are based on national and international collaborations including a variety of competences.Read more: Postdoc in Evolvable soft neural electrodes. Application deadline: March 28 2025.
Postdoctoral position on Optical Metasurfaces
We are pleased to announce an opening for an employment as postdoc in the Organic Photonics and Nanooptics group at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics at Linköping University in Sweden. The postdoc will form an essential part of our ERC-funded project on dynamically tuneable metasurfaces for visible light.
You will be part of the Organic photonics and Nanooptics group, headed by Prof. Magnus Jonsson. Recent interests of the group include dynamic conducting polymer nanooptics, structural coloration and cellulose-based optics. Examples of application areas include dynamically tuneable metasurfaces, reflective displays, and radiative cooling. The working language is English. Read more: Postdoctoral position on Optical Metasurfaces. Application deadline: March 21st, 2025.
Additional information regarding postdoc scholarships
Essential information about post-doctoral scholarship
General contact and diploma/master's work
For general inquiries or if you are interested in doing diploma (master's) work in organic electronics, feel free to contact the group leaders directly (see LOE's contact page).