We are always ready to discuss possible positions with those interested in working in, or collaborating with, our laboratory. If you don't see something particular listed below, please feel free to contact us for further discussion.

Organic electronic researchers at clean room lab at Linkoping University

Organic electronics researchers at LOE, Linköping University. Photo:Thor Balkhed

Open positions

We will announce positions in the future, so keep your eyes open. You can also follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn, where we regularly update job postings.

Postdoc scholarship in synthesis of functionalized conjugated polymers
for stable doping of organic semiconductors

Do you love organic/polymer synthesis, physical crosslinking and colors? Join us in our research to harness the power of chaos through chemistry!
We are seeking a motivated postdoctoral scholar to join the KAW-funded project aimed at developing stable doping for organic semiconductors. The goal is to develop stable conducting plastics that can find their way into many different electronic applications, such as solar cells, thermoelectrics or electrochemical transistors. 
Read more: Postdoc scholarship in synthesis of functionalized conjugated polymers for stable doping of organic semiconductors.  Applications deadline: October 15th, 2024.


Additional information regarding postdoc scholarships

Essential information about post-doctoral scholarship

General contact and diploma/master's work

For general inquiries or if you are interested in doing diploma (master's) work in organic electronics, feel free to contact the group leaders directly (see LOE's contact page).


About Laboratory of Organic Electronics